Catalog excerpts

HYDROGEN PORTABLE LEAK TESTER FOR FINE LEAK DETECTION The H6000, a new comer in the ATEQ range of leak detectors, is one of the finest gas tracer and hydrogen leak detectors on the market today. This gas is less expensive than Helium gas. Furthermore, it’s a volatile, non-toxic and non-poisonous gas with any environmental impact. The H6000 is equipped with all features for easy integration in industrial process and laboratory one. The ATEQ H6000 Portable or Fixed is a compact gas tracer leak detector. The Fixed version is to install on machines or on work station. The Portable version can be handled by the user to detect leaks on any area. The used gas is hydrogen in nitrogen (H2N2). The concentration should not exceed 5%. Highlights COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION VOLATILE GAS WITH LOW VISCOSITY INDEPENDENT OF TEST VOLUME AND TEMPERATURE LEAK LOCALIZATIO
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Storage: 0°C a + 60°C |nterface Navigation Keys 10 % of the measured value in laboratory condi Applications • HVAC, Refrigeration and Automotive Leak Detection • Automotive: leak localization, cooling systems, alloy wheel, ... • Domestic Appliances: compressor, ... Main features • Detection of leaking gas traces Range: 1.10-4 mbar l/s to 2.10-2 mbar l/s • Generated Suction Flow control • 128 programs • IP 54 protection • Internal memory: 2 Go • Visual (red/green leds) and audible signal for results • USB port • H6000 fixed - Voltage 60 W - 50/60 Hz - 90/260 V AC - Relay board 5 inputs/ 7...
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