Catalog excerpts

Histological analysis of a Novocor Plus implant inserted in sheep bone “FACULTY OF NORMAL HUMAN ANATOMY” of the UNIVERSITY OF MODENA and PARMA (1990) Micro x-ray of a thick section of NOVOCOR PLUS implanted in a sheep jaw one month previously. The neo-formed bone surrounds almost all the grains. (magnification 4x). Gomori stained thin section of the NOVOCOR PLUS implant in sheep bone. The cavities containing loose connective tissue also present numerous vessels for the nutrition of the compacting bone. (magnification 12.5x). Magnification of a Cajal-Gallego stained section of the NOVOCOR...
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The Novocor Plus medical device comprises grains of natural coral with a low surface/volume, ranging from 200 to 500 mm, of natural origin, a material that has been used for some time in bone defects repair, especially in the orthopaedic sector. Madreporic coral, also known as coralline hydroxyapatite, comprises 98% Aragonitic Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). Packaging contains 4 capsule from 500 mg. and little pump. Product characteristics: Natural coral is one of the best osteoconductive materials for a) The release of Calcium ions by macrophages or biological new bone growth in cases of low...
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Blister opening Novocor plus capsule opening 1 or 2 drops of sterile physiological saline are poured into the cup Powder and liquid are mixed for 2 minutes inside the amalgamator …until a hard but malleable compound is obtained, that is easy to model when there is a lack of bone tissue, but capable of resisting the solvent action of the blood during application USE The Novocor medical device is used as a filler in the physical characteristics of the material make it odontostomatology following the insertion of dental particularly suitable for the repair of metabolically slow implants. It...
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CREST THICKENING Initial x-ray. Opening the flap. The thinness of the maxillary crest can be clearly seen. Initial insertion of Novocor on the vestibular surface of the crest. Final filling. Surgical reopening at one year. Excellent thickening of the left-hand sector with insertion of the titanium implants. Satisfactory thickening of the right-hand sector with insertion of the titanium implants. Filling of the residual defect The X-ray shows excellent long-term thickening. in the right-hand sector. MAXILLARY SINUS LIFT Initial x-ray. Opening the bone window. Initial insertion of the...
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implant company Via San Benedetto, 1837 - 40018 San Pietro in Casale (BO) Italy Tel. +39 (0) - Fax +39 (0) 51.666.94.00 info@bebdental.it - www.bebdental.it Sistema Qualità Certified Quality ISOCertificato UNI EN System 13485 UNI EN ISO 13485
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