Specialty Foley Catheters
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Catalog excerpts

Specialty Foley Catheters - 1

Bard Medical Division Please consult product label* and inserts (or any indications, contraindications, ha/ards. warnings, millions and directions for it*c. Bard. Bardex, lubricath and Lubri-Sil are registered trademark* of C. R- 'The Foley catheters in the Bardex I.C. System contain Bacli-Ouard silver alloy coating licensed from Batligiiard AB. B at li-Guard u a regis- tered trademark of Bactiguard AB. ' 'iioi, C. R. Bard, Inc. All Right* Reserved.

Open the catalog to page 1
Specialty Foley Catheters - 2

Olid I tm&f iMbAcaW Z*a»tm Untaaacut knitter HMI often used tar draaugc after Madder or otfan L*we* urinary tiKt surgeries. Continuous Irngrton. Sec AM balloon Short length round reinforced tip, oppoa(no, tyea. 01JM / Baider lubncalh* Catheter Carrtinucus into*"** MoMMtl-nu.-il .tt., I.I.IIIIIT ■„,.„., 9M« fUMMIJ tumor removnl / lulguialturt. uiepeniion, damage aaiootatad with uyttMiolODV ■DVMrtvt, nit) 11' olhw iirnlnQit.il proce Ann. Goc rlbbml hitlloon Mnilluni longth vrtiWIln Up with ■no oyrm MI lite same Mde. 0IB7L / Hniflm* lutdcaUr* Gatlirlri (kmtmuoii* Irrigation Genciatl* mod Ilia...

Open the catalog to page 2
Specialty Foley Catheters - 3

OlOOL / Bardei* Lubflcallf Calhata • Good* Tip tCurwn Muriel) (innof ally uswl lot pout TURP hctioslasn. Used ID npgebalp llio molo oiethta, particularly when a stricture or 8PH It lirfiseHl. 30cc ribbed balloon Medium length oltvo coudc Used W negotiate the mate urethra, particularly when a stKture 01 BPH b present The oft** eouda features * HighOl brgot buR> il the tie In assHI a* na«obrt>on of iMtrtcboM. Sec «0b« baboon Rod Lata. Medium length eeteo coode Bp, singta era. OVOU Batdef Ubnca*' Catheter - Couda Tlaj Same tmtiori >s the 1021 wtft a Xec baBoon 01131 / Barta.' UOooiB.' Catheter...

Open the catalog to page 3
Specialty Foley Catheters - 4

silver alloy coaling and Bard* hydrogel (Tiomon Moduli Own* ally uwd tor poo* apial!.? hmnntUm RMUW. 5<X ribbed hoBoon WWiw" tPoglh. (.»« MWle Kp. un3^ r-, r 01039'target' iC liftman*' Irti CeMar - CM* IV aiW/UWIC <>tai Crihte - tw.- 'DUM Tic Uaod »aepjatapi m wtn e, pDcuTV «mt»»*MML Thao»«* coude kmn OligSKUntdxi' IC Citlhalai CorrtlriiMua InioelHm Uned lot drainage atlei Meddor ot other upper iiinwy liitcl am petto* |00 Hbbod balloon inert langBi IIBJSI I Harder- IC. Catheter • Open Tk> ■ InigaDor (Couvelo** Modni) Generally uiod for |iuil IURP tlemotlaiia. Optn Up to mexlmito drainage...

Open the catalog to page 4

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