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Diving Decompression Chambers
1 / 32Pages

Catalog excerpts

Diving Decompression Chambers - 1

Manufacturing Diving & Hyperbaric Chambers DIVING CHAMBERS Decompression Chambers Saturation Diving Chamber Containerized Diving Chambers Transportable Recompression Chambers

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 2

Specifications given here are for information purpose only and subject to change according to the aggreement between customer and supplier

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 3

BAROKS - WHO WE ARE ? BAROKS A.Ş. specializes in the design and manufacture of hyperbaric oxygen treatment and Diving Chamber Systems. Our products are manufactured in compliance with world’s top quality standards, which guarantee both patients and personnel comfort and safety. The company is managed by a financial group comprised of physicians and engineers specializing in the HBO business. For the purposes of subassembly and service procurement, we cooperate only with world-reputed manufacturers of medical, electronic and pressure equipment. Our company complies with global environmental...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 4

WHAT IS DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS ? Decompression Sickness (DCS) is a condition in which rapid changes of pressure in an environment causes gases to form bubbles of gas, mainly nitrogen. In diving, when the diver descends, nitrogen is breathed in and is dissolved in the blood and tissues. Subsequently, nitrogen leaves the blood and tissues and forms into tiny bubbles when the diver ascends due to the drop in the surrounding pressure. If the nitrogen is not re-absorbed into the blood and exhaled through the lungs, these tiny bubbles can form into larger bubbles and cause serious damage to your...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 5

The other symptoms and signs that can be observed are: • Blotchy skin rash • Fatigue or weakness • Skin itchiness • Dizziness • Shortness of breath • Abdominal distress • Chest pain • Skin swelling The above signs and symptoms may occur when the diver is still underwater, or they may come about as late as 36-48 hours after a dive. HOW IS DCS TREATED? Decompression sickness can only be treated through recompression in a high-pressure chamber. This apparatus slowly increases pressure on the person, forcing the bubbles to dissipate. The pressure is then gradually reduced to enable the person...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 6

DECOMPRESSION CHAMBERS Our products are manufactured in compliance with world’s top quality standards, which guarantee both patients and personnel comfort and safety. The company is managed by a financial group comprised of physicians and engineers specializing in the HBO business. For the purposes of subassembly and service procurement, we cooperate only with world-reputed manufacturers of medical, electronic and pressure equipment. Our company complies with global environmental quality standards. We render top quality maintenance services.Baroks O2Deco Decompression Chamber System is...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 7

The below table shows technical specifications about decompression chamber system. 6 bar 9 bar 3 Persons 1.700 mm 3.000 mm HI I Steel 2 Pcs. 3500 kg 800 mm 4 Pcs. 220mm (Clear) TUV SUD BARAKSTechnical Specifications Working Pressure Test Over Pressure Main Chamber Patient Capacity Chamber Diameter Length of Chamber Material Number of Doors Weight approximately Door Diameter Windows on The Chamber Windows Diameter Acceptance Society Pressure Vessel Product Standards I MCA MATERIALS AND TESTS Only quality-certified "Boiler Steel H-II” with test reports has been using in O2deco Decompression...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 8

S p ec ifi ca t i o n s g i ve n h e re a re fo r i n fo rm a tion p u r pose o n ly a n d subj e ct to ch an g e a ccord i ng to th e agg ree m e n t b etween cu sto mer a n d su p p l i e r

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 9

BARAKS EQUIPMENTS IN THE CHAMBER 3 x Oxygen Breathing Systems (BIBS) 2 x orthopedic folding seats with back rest (with hardly inflammable certificate) 1 x Bunk 4 x unit LED lighting 1 x Intercom Unit 1 x Manometer 1 x Thermometer 2 x Silencers 1 x Analogue Clock 2 x Fire extinguishers (water spray type) 9 It 6 x sprinklers for fire suppression system 1 x stainless steel ball valve for drainage 1 x medical lock stainless steel 1 x safety valve 1 x Door of 800 mm diameter 1 x pressure transmitter 1 x temperature transmitter 1 x humidity transmitter 1 x FANCOIL system for Aircondition 1 x...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 10

ANALYZERS • The oxygen analyzer has a full range of 0-100%, displayed in digital format on the front of the unit. • The carbondioxide analyzer is supplied with a range of 02000 ppm. • The temperature indicator: Temperature Range: -17 to 87°C and 0 to 190°F (minimum) • Hygrometer : Relative Humidity Range: 0 to 100% DEPTH GAUGES The chamber depth gauge system is provided for the main and entry compartments through individual hull stop valves to depth gauges. Each compartment has dedicated depth gauges for that compartment COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Intercom system provides the telecommunication...

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 11

AIR & MIXED GAS SUPPLY SYTEM Air Supply System provides essential compression air for the chamber.This system consist of four units which are mentioned at below; S p ec ifi ca t i o n s g i ve n h e re a re fo r i n fo rm a tion p u r pose o n ly a n d subj e ct to ch an g e a ccord i ng to th e agg ree m e n t b etween cu sto mer a n d su p p l i e r

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 12

HP Compressor Hp regulator and distrubution panel 12 S p ec ifi ca t i o n s g i ve n h e re a re fo r i n fo rm a tion p u r pose o n ly a n d subj e ct to ch an g e a ccord i ng to th e agg ree m e n t b etween cu sto mer a n d su p p l i e r

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 13

Hp Air and Mixed Gas cylinders S p ec ifi ca t i o n s g i ve n h e re a re fo r i n fo rm a tion p u r pose o n ly a n d subj e ct to ch an g e a ccord i ng to th e agg ree m e n t b etween cu sto mer a n d su p p l i e r

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Diving Decompression Chambers - 14

FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM A Fire Suppression system is the most essential system for safety of the Hyperbaric chamber. In case of any fire the system will detect and activate the water sprey and fog system to rapidly extinguish the fire. In a pressurized environment fire groves much more faster than normal atmosphere. Hence it is essential that the fire detection and suppression system is designed according to the standards and equipments used are certified equipments. Our system is designed and tested according to NFPA 99 standard. Fire suppression system consists these parts: Stainless steel...

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Archived catalogs

  1. Catalog Multi

    32 Pages