Catalog excerpts

BD FACSLyricTM System The BD FACSLyric™ System includes the BD FACSLyric™ cytometer, the optional BD FACS™ Universal Loader, and workstation that runs the software. All these components combine to create an integrated system with a compact footprint. The system is available in 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 colors and equipped with a blue, red and violet laser depending on the configuration. The BD FACSLyric™ flow cytometer is upgradeable up to 12 colors. Sample acquisition can be manual or automated via the BD FACS™ Universal Loader. The Loader provides walkaway operation with samples loaded in either microtiter plates or 12 x 75-mm tube racks. The software that controls the BD FACSLyric™ system is comprised of two applications: • The BD FACSuite™ Clinical application supporting BD IVD Assays with assay templates: BD Tritest™ CD3/CD4/CD45 kit BD Tritest™ CD4/CD8/CD3 kit with BD Trucount™ Tubes BD Multitest™ CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 kit BD Multitest™ CD3/CD16+CD56/ CD45/CD19 kit BD Multitest™ IMK kit BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK kit BD® Stem Cell Enumeration Kit with BD Trucount™ Tubes BD OneFlow™ LST, B-CLPD, PCST, PCD and ALOT BD Multitest™ and BD Tritest™ CD3/ CD4/CD45 are also available with BD Trucount™ Tubes. • The BD FACSuite™ application supporting BD IVD Single Color Reagents and user-defined panels. Functions within the application facilitate instrument-to-in
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Technical Specifications Optics Available system configurations 4-color: 2-laser (blue, red) (3-1) 6-color: 2-laser (blue, red) (4-2) 8-color: 3-laser (blue, red, violet) (4-2-2) 10-color: 3-laser (blue, red, violet) (4-3-3) 12-color: 3-laser (blue, red, violet) (4-3-5) Solid-state laser specifications Blue laser: 488 nm, 20 mw Red laser: 640 nm, 40 mw Violet laser: 405 nm, 40 mw Beam spot size (all lasers) 9 μm x 63 μm Optical alignment Auto alignment on demand Flow-cell lens 1.2 NA FSC detector Photodiode SSC and FL detectors PMT See filter guide for optical configurations. Flow cell...
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Performance Acquisition rate Up to 35,000 events per second. No limit on number of events acquired in a single FCS file Carryover <0.10% with default SIT flush <0.05% with 3 or more SIT flushes Sensitivity FITC: <85 MESF PE: <20 MESF Channel Qr* (x1,000) FITC 20 PE 133 PerCP-CyTM5.5 13 TM PE-Cy 7 17 APC 10 BD HorizonTM APC-R700 8 APC-CyTM7 7 TM BD Horizon V450 47 BD HorizonTM V500 17 TM BD Horizon BV605 133 BD HorizonTM BV711 43 TM BD Horizon BV786 16 Fluorescence precision <3% CV for chicken erythrocyte nuclei (CEN) Fluorescence linearity 2 ±0.05% for CEN Data resolution Uncompensated data...
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System options BD FACSTM Universal Loader Compatible with 30 (barcoded) or 40 (non-barcoded) tubes (12 x 75 mm). Equipped with an orbital shaker for inplace mixing and resuspension of cells. Optimized for all supported plate and tube formats. Includes internal barcode reader for positive sample identification. Supported barcode formats Codabar Code 128 Code 3 of 9 Interleaved 2 of 5 Handheld barcode scanner Handheld barcode scanner with stand supporting common 1-D and 2-D formats Extended-use fluidics Optional tanks and connectors to allow for use with 10-L waste tanks and BD FACSFlowTM...
Open the catalog to page 4All BD catalogs and technical brochures
TCRBCR Tech Note
4 Pages
BD Cytometric Bead Array
16 Pages
BD FACS Lyse Wash Assistant
1 Pages
BD FACSAria™ III Cell Sorter
14 Pages
BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter
8 Pages
BD FACSLyric™ Cell Analyzer
2 Pages
16 Pages