BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter
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BD FACSMelody™  Cell Sorter - 1

BD FACSMelody Cell Sorter ™ The simple solution for consistent, quality results

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BD FACSMelody™  Cell Sorter - 2

The right instrument is needed for the best results Simplicity, affordability and quality are key Cell sorting is fast becoming an essential step on the path to deeper understanding and new discoveries in the life sciences. Although cell sorting often is performed on instruments owned by core labs, there are issues associated with transporting samples and timely access. A readily available on-site sorter that provides consistent, reliable results could benefit researchers in many fields of investigation. And, researchers need a solution that is easy to learn, use and maintain. That solution...

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BD FACSMelody™  Cell Sorter - 3

The BD FACSMelody™ cell sorter makes sorting easy Truly easy cell sorting is finally available to your lab. Now you can save time with simplified operation and get quality reproducible results. The BD FACSMelody™ cell sorter makes the complex world of flow cytometry and sorting accessible to more researchers, enabling deep scientific insights, lab efficiency and cost savings. Incorporating technology exclusive to BD, the BD FACSMelody cell sorter is based on the proven BD FACSAria™ platform of cell sorters. With fixed alignment and gel-coupled cuvettes, the BD FACSMelody builds on the BD...

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BD FACSMelody™  Cell Sorter - 4

Easy to learn and use Simplify the workflow with smart automation With BD FACSChorus™ software, researchers are guided throughout the entire cell sorting process using advanced automation technology. Designed to eliminate manual steps, this smart automation simplifies the workflow, making cell sorting easy to learn, and the BD FACSMelody sorter easy to use. Automation makes sorting simple and saves time 100% Typical sorter • Power up system • Start up fluidics • Wait for fluidics to stabilize • Select nozzle size and appropriate sheath pressure With an intuitive user interface, BD...

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Lab efficiency and productivity Save time with simplified operation and maintenance The BD FACSMelody cell sorter allows researchers to work more efficiently and improves throughput. A streamlined workflow eliminates manual setup of the stream and monitoring of the sort, which minimizes hands-on time and provides walk-away sorting capability. Quick results Typically run your sample in less than 17 minutes. 1. System powerup Fast results to improve lab throughput • 4-way sorting capability allows you to spend less time on sequential runs and get more information from your precious samples by...

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High performance Designed to empower scientific discovery Simplified operation does not mean reduced performance. The BD FACSMelody system features excellent sensitivity for accurate resolution of low density cell markers and high throughput for collecting rare cells. With a BD-pioneered optical system, the BD FACSMelody cell sorter maximizes signal generation, collection and detection through lasers with fixed alignment and independent focusing. Detect and sort dim cells and rare cells • The patented gel-coupled cuvette with fixed alignment ensures that lasers are precisely focused on the...

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Trusted partner Rely on an industry leader for experimental success Researchers expect the best when it comes to BD, a leader in flow cytometry sorting, and the BD FACSMelody cell sorter hits the mark. • With more than 40 years of experience and innovation in flow cytometry, BD continues to develop and improve instrumentation, software and reagent solutions. • Tens of thousands of peer-reviewed publications cite BD flow cytometry instruments, software and reagents. • BD offers world-class technical application support and highly responsive field service support. • The BD FACSMelody cell...

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BD FACSMelody™  Cell Sorter - 8

Contact your BD associate today to discuss how this innovative cell sorter could enable deep scientific insights, lab efficiency and cost savings. BD Life Sciences – Biosciences Regional Offices Australia Toll free 1.800.656.100 Tel 61.2.8875.7000 Fax 61.2.8875.7200 Canada Tel 866.979.9408 Fax 888.229.9918 China Tel 86.21.3210.4610 Fax 86.21.5292.5191 Latin America / Caribbean Toll free 0800.771.71.57 Tel 55.11.5185.9688 New Zealand Toll free 0800.572.468 Tel 64.9.574.2468 Fax 64.9.574.2469 Japan Nippon Becton Dickinson Toll free 0120.8555.90 Fax 81.24.593.3281 Office locations are...

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