Medical Air Desiccant Dryers


Catalog excerpts

Medical Air Desiccant Dryers - 1

Medical Air Dryers Clean, Dry Medical Air Premium Components The LifeLine medical air dryer deliv- The 441 transfer valve remains the ers clean, dry medical air all the time. heart of the LifeLine dryer. Inside the The unique aftercooler design ensures valve are two sliding ceramic plates effective dryer operation even under that form a nearly perfect, almost heavy duty conditions, guaranteeing indestructible seal. As these ceramic plates slide during each High efficiency coalescing filters remove particles and liquids from the air stream to protect the dryers and to protect your medical air delivery. The re-pressurization cycle in the dryer adds an additional safeguard against desiccant dusting and valve wear. desiccant tower changeover, they wipe themselves clean of any particulates that typically destroy ordinary valve designs. The result is a maintenance free valve with extraordinary reliability. The tight seal eliminates costly loss of air that is common in other valve designs. Desiccantfilled Towers Purge Air Dry Air Outlet On Line Air 441™ Transfer Valve Purge Control Valve Dryer Airflow Schematic Dynamic Ceramic Plate Static Ceramic Plate

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Medical Air Desiccant Dryers - 2

Dryer Efficiency – Dew Point Purge ers utilize dew point dependent purge control to guarantee the lowest possible energy losses for desiccant regeneration while delivering a totally The LifeLine heatless desiccant dry- Typical Desiccant Dryer 15% 70% Savings in Purge Air with LifeLine Dryers Air Dryer Specifications Inlet Flow 75 psig Model LifeLine Medical Air Dryers DUPLEx with co monitor LDD35 so is your energy consumption. The drying towers are sized specifi- cally for peak calculated demand in stable and reliable dew point. Purge Average Medical Air System Demand air is minimized with...

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