Ems Neo - Less Fat More Muscle EM-8
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Ems Neo - Less Fat More Muscle EM-8 - 2

EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH EM-Sculpt uses High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HI-EMT) field technology to induce short bursts of powerful muscle contractions that lead to increased muscle density, decreased volume, better definition, and improved tone . Non-invasive HIEMT procedure induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions. VCA LASER TECHNOLOGY INC. WEB: WWW.VCATECH.COM TEL: +86 10-80841967

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Ems Neo - Less Fat More Muscle EM-8 - 3

EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH II. BRIEF INTRODUCTION EM-Sculpt is based on high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. It is the latest technology for non-invasive body slimming and sculpting that builds muscle and burns fat at the same time. A single EM-Sculpt session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles. It is the only procedure which helps women and men build muscle and sculpt the body. Clinical studies report an average fat reduction of 19% associated with an increase in muscle mass of 16% during a...

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EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH Increase muscle & reduce fat & body shaping together. Just lying down can achieve abdominal muscles, vest line, peach hip, V-line abs. Non hyperthermia, safe and painless, no down time. 30 minutes treatment = 20000 crunches Only 30 minutes's treatment can improve the shape of the abdomen or buttocks, which is equivalent to 20,000 muscle contractions. The whole course of treatment only takes 4 sessions. VCA LASER TECHNOLOGY INC. WEB: WWW.VCATECH.COM TEL: +86 10-80841967

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EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH BUILD MUSCLE The muscle contracts 20,000 times with high frequency and intensity, so as to trai n an d i n c r e a s e m u s c l e density and volume. REDUCE FAT The ultimate contraction of muscle needsa large amount of energy supply, so the fat cells beside the m uscle are also consumed, leading to natural apoptosis and effective reduction of fat thickness. MUSCLE SCULPT Exercise the abdominal muscles, shaping the vest line / exercising the hip muscles, creating the peach hips / exercising the abdominal oblique muscles, and shaping the V-line abs. REPAIR SEPARATION OF...

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EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH 1 Voluntary contractions may increase the demand for energy from fat cells. Released epinephrine signals the fat celles to initiate lipolysis. The fat stored in form of triglycerides is decomposed into free fatty acids and glycerol which are used as energy sources. 2 Intensive supramaximal contractions enhance release of epinephrine which triggers a cascade effect leading to supramaximal lipolysis in fat cells. Because the stimulation is so rapid and intensive. The lipolytic response is excessive and FFAs start overaccumulating in adipocytes. The FFA overflow causes...

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EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH DOUBLE HANDLES WORK AT THE SAME TIME Skin, fat and muscle from your overall body appearance. The skin remains unaffected while the energy penetrates to fat muscle layer. This results in substantial improvement of your appearance due to contouring muscle and burning fat.

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EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH VII. FEATURE Offer the latest in cutting edge body contouring treatment technology for you. 1. Muscle sculpturing & Fat burning & Weight lossing together. 2. Non-invasive & No pain & No anaesthesia & No surgery & No side effects. 3. Suitable for everyone, patient satisfaction up to 98%. 4. Only a 30 minutes a procedure, only 4 sessions per course needed. 5. Feels like an intensive workout. 30 minutes treatment = 20,000 workouts. 6. Safe and comfortable treatment with no downtime. 7. Instant results but gets better after two to four weeks.

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EM-SCULPT HI-EMT TECH VIII. TECHNIQUE ADVANTAGES 1). 7 Tesla High Intensity It based on 7 Tesla high intensity magnetic energy, which could cover big skeletal muscles of the human body, and this high energy level allows musle responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure. 2). Stronger Stimulation Double layer Coil generates d.eeper and stronger high intensity electromagnetic effects

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IX. 5 MODES OF MOVEMENT ^ HIIT-- High intensity interval training mode of aerobic fat reduction. 2 Hypertrophy -- Muscle strengthening training mode. J Strength -- Muscle strength training mode. 4 HIIT+ Hypertrophy -- Training mode of strengthening muscle &reducing fat. 5 Hypertrophy + Strength -- Training mode of strengthening muscle. VCA LASER TECHNOLOGY INC. WEB: WWW.VCATECH.COM TEL: +86 10-80841967

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