Catalog excerpts

808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal More than 20,000,000 shots
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Machine show
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Theory The system use special laser with long Pulse-Width 808nm, can penetrate to hair follicle. Using selective light absorption theory, laser can be preferentially absorbed by the melanin of the hair and then heating the hair shaft and hair follicle, moreover to destroy the hair follicle and oxygen organization around hair follicle. When laser outputs, system with special cooling technology, cool the skin and protect skin from being hurt and reach a very safe and comfortable treatment!
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Application Permanent Hair removal: Lip hair, beard, chest hair, back hair, arm hair, leg hair, and unwanted hair outside the bikini line.
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Different Handle Types (Optional) Type2 — Five in one : spot sizes 15*27 + 15*15 + 12*12 + 9*9+¢6mm ¢6mm Facial tip: special for nose hair remo
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software l 3 levels adjustable cooling l expert operating system. l Choose language 2.4 inch color touch screen, same control with the machine’s screen.
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Machine Show 15 inch color touch screen Key emergency stop button Blue LED light strip 2.4 inch color touch screen Perfect arc handpiece fixed block Print your logo water level indic ation Vents
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Machine Show Foldable screen power switch Handle Foot switch socket Vent hole Power cord socket (Anti-drag upgrade) Handle fast plug connection with German Circuit , American Waterway which could Plug and unplug 5 million times Inlet/Drain valve External filter installation box easy to twist and open by hand, easy to maintain, no tools required
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Parameter Laser Type
Open the catalog to page 9All Beijing VCA Laser catalogs and technical brochures
Dermatology laser VF18
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Hair removal laser VD76
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Scar removal laser VF9
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Surgical laser VF17
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Dermatology laser VF15
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Hair removal laser VD72
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Hair removal laser VD68
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13 Pages
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Cell Light Beauty Machine VCL2
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Hair removal laser VD71
12 Pages
Laser Hair Removal VD64
11 Pages
Hair removal laser VD55
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755+808+1064NM VD18
10 Pages
Diode Laser 808NM VD17(grey)
10 Pages
755+808+1064NM VD17
10 Pages
RF body contouring unit EM-7
10 Pages
Hair removal laser VD72
10 Pages
HIFU body contouring unit VI8
10 Pages
RF Machine VS800
10 Pages
Thermage Fractional RF VT6
10 Pages
Cryolipolysis unit VC8
9 Pages
Hair removal DPL system VCL3
10 Pages
Hair removal laser VD68
10 Pages
10 Pages