Catalog excerpts

LIPOSONIX SLIMMING MACHINE 1 Treatment,1 Hour,1 Size smaller!
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Theory The LipoHifu system uses high-intensity focused ultrasound deliver uniform energy at precise depth (13mm) to destroy targeted subcutaneous fat non-invasively, causing a rapid local temperature rise, destroying targeted adipose tissue just beneath the skin in the abdomen and flanks, predictable results after a single one-hour treatment. It can penetrate the skin layers and reach the targeted fat tissue without harming skin or surrounding tissues.
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Theory Meanwhile the metabolized contents (triglyceride, fatty acid) of cells will excrete out of body automatically by blood circulation and lymphatic drainage without harming human body. The LipoHifu treatment uses advanced ultrasound technology to permanently destroy unwanted abdominal fat. Some people may be candidates for the lipohifu treatment of other body areas, including the arms, thighs, and back. The LipoHifu treatment: 1.Targets the stubborn fat around your waistline. 2.Provides noticeable results after just one treatment. 3.is customizable to address your specific "problem"...
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Application 1. Fat reduction ( waist, abdomen, hip, thigh , crus ,arm); skin tightening. 2. Body slimming, body shaping. Body lifting, Body contouring 3. To promote and accelerate the body's metabolism. The average waistline reduction after just a single one-hour treatment is about 1-3 cm, which typically means one dress or pant size. Clinical test: Circumference Reduction: 4.5cm Fat layer Reduction: 1.1cm
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Features 1. More than 80% imported materials 2. VCA choose "Lock Frequency Power Supply" VS Most other suppliers "Sweep Frequency Power" Benefit from Lock Frequency Power Supply: Lock the voltage and electric current, make the machine frequency keep in 250K all the time, ensure the average energy, safe and stable, has the best result for fat removal. Limitation for Sweep Frequency Power: Can't lock the voltage and electric current, frequency is instable, affect treatment result. 3. Ceramic chip of VCA is "medical grade" VS Most other suppliers "industry grade "The ceramic chip is the most...
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24x24 points, about 46mm A one-time treatment area matrix Cartridges Shots: 600 shots Single Focused Dots: 576 points
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Handpiece Detail Show Treatment head with fixed pressure and fixed water capacity. The contact surfaces never happen sunken and explosive situation
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Handpiece Detail Show It equipped with one handle, two removable probe: 1.3cm, 0.8cm
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Machine Detail Show Standby/ready button Key switch Handpiece Print your LOGO Emergency stop Handpiece holder Handpiece connector Power switch power cord socket spray supply tube connector water injection (Inlet) hole Overflow hole Drain(Outlet) hole
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Parameter Machine Name
Open the catalog to page 10All Beijing VCA Laser catalogs and technical brochures
Dermatology laser VF18
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Surgical laser VF17
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755+808+1064NM VD18
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Diode Laser 808NM VD17(grey)
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755+808+1064NM VD17
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RF body contouring unit EM-7
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Hair removal laser VD72
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RF Machine VS800
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Thermage Fractional RF VT6
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Cryolipolysis unit VC8
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Hair removal DPL system VCL3
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Hair removal laser VD68
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Hair removal laser VD70
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