wheelchair power pack
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wheelchair power pack - 1

Quick to install and simple to detach Easy operation via the hand control The wheelchair powerpack is designed to give even more power and torque to push heavier users weighing up to 203kg (32 stone). It can be fitted with ease to both the Phoenix and Goliath wheelchairs by the use of a fixing kit. The powerpack has the added traction of twin wheels for ease of movement on slopes and uneven surfaces and can be switched into reverse via the function on the hand control, giving it added versatility of movement. With a max speed of 3mph, it is a great accessory to assist a wheelchair attendant when transporting larger patients in a safe and controlled manner. Product codes BMWC008PP Wheelchair Powerpack for Goliath1 BMWC009PP Wheelchair Powerpack for Phoenix Please note when the powerpack is used in conjunction with the Goliath Wheelchair it reduces the SWL to 203kg (32st) BMWCPP001

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