Group: Bertin Technologies

Catalog excerpts

Tissue homogenizer robust and high throughput homogenizer, capable • High quality: robust, ergonomic and safe • Efficient: provides powerful 3D bead-beating while maintaining total molecular integrity • Flexible: from soft to hard tissues / from low to high • Reproducible: more than a thousand validated protocols available for users £S Compatible with the only patented and efficient cooling option for sensitive samples ^^ta^TECHNOLOGieS A company of ENIIVI Group
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er YS 24 t homogeniz -throughpu RECELL P ust high i Effcien Precellys 24 for high throughput Grind and homogenize a wide range of biological samples with Precellys 24! Designed for use in L3 laboratories, it is highly robust for daily use. The system enables the preparation of up to 24 biological samples from soft to hard tissue (animal & human tissue, plant tissue, microorganisms…) and has been validated on more than 1000 different samples: from brain, muscle and heart samples to very hard matter such as bones, hair and rice… A figure-of-8 multi-directional motion gives a high energy level...
Open the catalog to page 2All Bertin Technologies catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
Biotoxis qPCR Detection Kit
2 Pages
Coriolis® Compact
2 Pages
Precellys® Nucleic Acid Kits
2 Pages
Precellys® 24 Lysing kits
4 Pages
Precellys® 24 Touch
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
CRYOLYS® Evolution
2 Pages
Coriolis® MICRO
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages