Catalog excerpts

Surgical Procedure Trauma shoulder hemiarthroplasty Traumatic Arthroplasty of Shoulder
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Surgical Technique Surgical Procedure General principles of implantation Surgical procedure during implantation
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Trauma shoulder hemiarthroplasty was developed using the most recent expertise and experience with cemented endoprosthetic implants, the manufacture of which makes use of the most sophisticated technologies. By using the instruments provided by the manufacturer, simple implantation and perfect fixation of the implant are secured. Available sizes enable the surgeon to select the best fit with respect to the size of implant. This publication is intended as a surgical manual for the given implant and for the instruments. For the purposes of brevity, it focuses only on the issue of implanting...
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Surgical Technique ■ Instruments for Implatation of traumatic arthroplasty od shoulder Instruments are very simple, as the endoprosthesis replaces only the head of the shoulder joint (without the glenoid component). These include just two reamers that prep the bed in the medullar cavity of the humerus for the stem of the endoprosthesis. The reamers are shaped corresponding to the stem of the endoprosthesis. They have 0.5mm tall struts that guarantee that the thickness of the bone cement will be at least 0.5mm. The 146mm (order number 304350) long reamers are intended for endoprostheses with...
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Surgical Procedure General guidance while implanting endoprosthesis of shoulder Prior to any surgery of the shoulder joint, preoperative planning must be conducted in order to determine the size of the stem and head. The preoperative planning must utilize the x-ray of the humerus in A/P view. The planning of the size of implant is performed using templates provided by manufacturer.These templates are compared with the x-ray film of the same resolution and thus the size of the component is determined. Fig. 3: Transparent templates for determining size of component
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Surgical Technique 1. Resection of head In a traumatic shoulder, we try to preserve small and large tubercles, including the muscle origins. Once they are prepped as to their size, the tubercles are sutured to the rim of the implanted endoprosthesis. The rest of the fractured head is removed and spongious bone is used as a plug in the medullar cavity.
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2. Pre-drilling of medullar cavity Pre-drilling is done using a 6mm bore drill to the depth corresponding to the length of the planned implant to enable the insertion of the reamer.
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Surgical Technique 3. Prepping of medullar cavity Reaming is finished when the upper oblique edge of reamer matches the plane of resection surface.
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4. Prepping of medullar cavity for cementing and cementing This is followed by the careful drying of the cavity and insertion of a thin drain for drainage of the hematoma, and for easier impaction of the bone cement. 5. Insertion of endoprosthetic stem After filling the medullar cavity with bone cement, stem is inserted while maintaining the required head retroversion of 30 - 40°. This is followed by the reconstruction of periarticular tissues (muscles, joint capsule).
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BEZNOSKA, s.r.o. Delnicka 2727, 272 01 Kladno, Czech Republic www.beznoska.com, export@beznoska.cz
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