EndoGo™ XF Culture Media


Catalog excerpts

EndoGo™ XF Culture Media - 1

A defined, xeno-free culture medium for the expansion of endothelial cells Expanding cell culture excellence and advancing clinical applications • Defined, xeno-free, serum-free medium • Supports long-term expansion of large and small vessels endothelial cells • Maintains high proliferation potential, typical morphology and EC marker expression EndoGo™ XF is a novel XF culture medium specially designed for long-term expansion of large and small vessels EC from various sources. The medium provides optimally balanced nutritional environment that selectively promotes proliferation of normal human EC, while maintaining typical cobblestone-like cell morphology, phenotypic surface marker profile, and angiogenic differentiation potential. EndoGo™ XF supports microvascular EC (MVEC) from blood and lymph vessel as well as EC derived from: dermal, cardiac, lung, bladder and adipose tissues. In addition, EndoGo™ XF supports EC from arterial or venous (e.g. HUVEC). No adaptation is required for the transition from bovine serum-containing medium to EndoGo™ XF. Before use, supplementation with 2-5% of human AB serum (off the clot) or human platelet lysate (hPL) is required. It does not contain any non-human origin ingredients e.g., Bovine Brain Extract (BBE). It is recommended for use with Human Fibronectin Solution for optimal attachment, spreading and proliferation of cells. For optimal cell passage and long term culture of cells, it is recommended to use Recombinant Trypsin Solution with EDTA. For inhibition it is recommended to use Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor (SBTI).

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EndoGo™ XF Culture Media - 2

Cell Proliferation Cell Morphology and Characteristics Superior cell number and PDL of human microvascular endothelial cells in EndoGo™ XF. EndoGo™ XF promotes proliferation of both micro and macro EC from a variety of sources while maintaining classical EC morphology, classical profile of EC markers, similar gene expression profile pattern, and similar angiogenic features of EC. HDMEC proliferation EndoGo™ XF commercial FBS-containing medium Macro vascular EC HUVEC Micro vascular EC HDMEC EndoGo™ XF commercial FBS-containing medium Figure 2: Microvascular EC (upper panel) and macrovascular...

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