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Hygiene www.biomatrix.it
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Oral Swabs Hand hygiene for operators and patients
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code Find on-line info on this category right now just by shooting this code A selection of reliable, safe Hygiene Devices, produced with high quality and technical materials. Due to the inflow of patients, technical health personnel and frequent contact with external agents, hospital departments can act as a vehicle for the proliferation of bacterial and viral contamination and infections. The hygiene of medical staff and patients is therefore decisive to break down as much as possible the risk of contamination that could compromise the health of the inpatients. Oral hygiene of the patient...
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Oral Swabs Three different types of oral hygiene swabs for patients, partially collaborating or intubated. The operator must guarantee oral hygiene assistance to the patient if Intensive Care Unit the latter is conscious or partially conscious; in more serious cases, the operator must personally perform all operations. Cleaning Swab Cleaning Swab in addition to removing residues present in the oral cavity stimulates the gingival tissue. Equipped Terapia intensiv Technical features with a soft foam head with marked ridges, it also allows interdental cleaning eliminating the part of...
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Hand hygiene for operators and patients Surgical preparation of the hands represents a critical moment for the safety of health care; It aims to reduce the release of cutaneous bacteria from the hands of the Operating Room surgical team for the whole duration of the procedure, so that in case of hypothetical undetected breakage of the surgical glove, no bacteria contaminate the operating field. Surgical scrub brush Designed for comfort and adaptability. Gentle on the skin, avoids irritation, reducing the risk of infections. Soft bristles for nails and knuckles and sponge for hands and...
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BioMatrix Via Maffini, 23 • 29010 San Giuliano di Castelvetro (PC) Tel. 0523.826619 • Fax 0523.826728 • e-mail: info@biomatrix.it Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Variazioni possono essere apportate senza obbligo di preavviso. BioMatrix S.r.l non è da considerarsi responsabile per danni derivanti dalla mancanza o dall’inesattezza delle informazioni riportate in questa sede.
Open the catalog to page 8All BioMatrix catalogs and technical brochures
Patient restraint
36 Pages
Patient transfer
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Static support surfaces
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Disposable devices
4 Pages
16 Pages
16 Pages