Catalog excerpts

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IDENTITY OF THE MANUFACTURER AND PRODUCT PRODUCT GROUP: Celiac Disease Kits PRODUCT IDENTITY: Transglutaminase ELISA Kit Antigliadin IgG ELISA Kit Antigliadin IgA ELISA Kit MANUFACTURER ADDRESS: Biomerica, Inc. 17571 Von Karman Avenue Irvine, CA 92614, USA Telephone: 949-645-2111 Fax: 949-553-1231 E-mail: bmra@biomerica.com Telephone Number in Case of Emergency: 800 535-5053 - InfoTrac 24 hours COMPOSITION AND INGREDIENT INFORMATION Chemical Nature of the Preparation: Dangerous Substances in the Preparation: Sulfuric Acid, Blood Components, Sodium Azide, Bromonitro-dioxane Chemical Sulfuric Acid Blood Components Sodium Azide (in 1X) Bromo-nitro-dioxane Designation Corrosive Potential Biohazard Highly Toxic Harmful HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Potential Biohazard: Calibrators are formulated with a buffer base, animal or human serum. The kit components that are made with human serum are tested by a United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) licensed method and found to be non-reactive for HIV-1, HIV-2, Hepatitis B surface antigen and HCV. Because no test method can offer absolute assurance that these agents are absent, reagents should be handled at the Biosafety Level 2, as recommended for any potentially infectious human blood product, in the United States Center for Disease Control (USCDC) and National Institute of Health (USNIH) manual "Biosafety in Microbiological Laboratories", 1988. All bovine serum products used are derived from animals of US origin, processed in USDA licensed facilities Chemical Hazard: Wash Buffer, Serum Diluent and Calibrators in kits are formulated with Sodium Azide as a preservative. Concentrated Sodium Azide may react with copper and lead plumbing to form explosive metal azides. It may also react with acids to form explosive hydrazoic acid. If drain disposed, flush with large amounts of water to prevent azide build-up. Components also contain bromo-nitro-dioxane which is harmful by Page 1 of 4 Revision Date: 06Apr11 (Rev.2) F:\Approved Documents\Quality Docs\MSDS\Celiac Disease Kits.doc
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BIOMERICA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ACTH ELISA Kit inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Avoid contact with Stop Solution containing 1N H2SO4 (Sulfuric Acid), an irritant to the skin and mucous membranes. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and wash the exposed skin area thoroughly with soap and water. Flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Remove to fresh air, give oxygen if breathing becomes difficult and seek medical attention. Flush mouth with copious amounts of water, provided that the person is conscious and seek...
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BIOMERICA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ACTH ELISA Kit EXPOSURE CONTROL AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Body Protection: Wear laboratory coat. Respiratory protection: In case of fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Hand Protection: Wear non-permeable rubber, neoprene, latex or nitrile disposable gloves. Change gloves when they become contaminated. Eyes Protection: Wear safety glasses or goggles when a splash hazard exists. None known. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Physical State: Liquid except for Calibrators B to Calibrator F and Control 1/Control 2 which are lyophilized and...
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BIOMERICA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ACTH ELISA Kit Hazardous Decomposition Products: None Known. TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION Effects of Dangerous Substances at the Concentrations Present in the Preparation: Toxic Effects: Potential Biohazard. Harmful Effects: Potential Biohazard. Sensitizing Effects: None known. Carcinogenic/Mutagenic/Teratogen Effects: None known. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION None Known. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal of Preparation Left: Dispose according to current regional and national rules. Contaminated Containers: Dispose of following current regulations. TRANSPORTATION...
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TPMT (40-Patient Kit)
5 Pages