Catalog excerpts

BioPAK - Review Mode Clench on natural dentition
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BioEMG II is specifically designed to record craniofacial muscle activity in both rest and function. This information is invaluable to the clinician that hopes to create beautiful dentistry that works with the patients physiology for optimum results. The BioEMG II incorporates intuitive displays that are extremely fast and easy to interpret over conventional systems that simply spit out the microvolt levels of each channel. Now you can design a system to automatically catagorize muscles based upon the quality and quantity of their behavior. Based upon your thresholds, the system will...
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BioEMG II Electromyography Performance Specifications The BioEMG II electromyograph records electrical (bio-potential) activity from eight muscles simultaneously. Microvolt signals are amplified, virtually without noise, to 5000 times their original levels. Signals are displayed on a computer as original time domain waveforms and average levels that disclose contraction patterns and relative intensities. Type of amplifier Impedance Range Noise Offset Range Common Mode Rejection Ratio Maximum signal to noise ratio Common Mode Voltage Range Bandwidth Sensitivity Resolution of A/D converter...
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JT-3D Jaw Tracking
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bio product catalog
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