Catalog excerpts

Inflatable Codyn® seat-cushion for relief of the coccyx
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The new Codyn® seat-cushion has noticeable effects Pain in the coccyx area is a problem which becomes acute during every seating. Here the BORT Codyn® seat-cushion, which has been developed in cooperation with orthopaedists, brings noticeable relief. This novel-type seat-cushion in the shape of a horseshoe effectively relieves the coccyx area. Aim: Essential relief of the hurting coccyx In case of coccygodyny, haemorrhoids, periproctic abscess, condition after coccyx contusion and -fracture resp. rectum operation, gynaecological affections (e.g. episiotomy), by means of relief of the...
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Catalogue 2016
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Novelties 2015
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BORT DynamicFX Back Brace
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