BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring
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BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring - 1


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BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring - 2

THE APNIA SYSTEM IS THE ONLY ONE ON THE MARKET THAT ALLOWS DIAGNOSIS AND SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT 1 2 3 NEW ELECTRONIC DEVICE THAT PERFORMS THE SLEEP STUDY NEW DIAGNOSIS SOFTWARE INTRAORAL DEVICE TO TREAT THE PATIENT NEW ELECTRONIC DEVICE APNIA SMALLER, MORE ERGONOMIC AND INTUITIVE APNIA records 7 different information channels. The obtained data is later analyzed, enabling a more efficient patient diagnosis and treatment. • • • • • • • Nasal Flow Respiratory effort Oxygen saturation Heart rate Body position Snoring Respiratory rate Electronic device Elastic strap Oximetry sensor

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BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring - 3

THE APNiA SOFTWARE PROVIDES TWO DIFFERENT WAYS TO READ THE SLEEP STUDY(1): A MORE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE VERSION 1. AUTOMATIC: · The device software lets you know simply, reliably and fully automatically whether the pathology is present and its level of severity. · The sleep records can be sent by e mail to another health professional. · The reports can be printed out and handed to the patient. 2. MANUAL: · The clinician can also read the data manually, identifying the different events on the graph. 1. Nasal Flow 2.Respiratory effort 3. Oxygen saturation 4. Heart rate 5. Snoring 6. Body...

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BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring - 4

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1.- PUTTING ON THE UNIT: · Adjust the unit on the thorax, positioning it at the front. · Place the pulse oximeter in your index finger (index, ring and middle fingers are the most suitable ). Make sure that there is no disturbing circumstance for the cardiac pulse or something to restrict it, as this may provoke the loss of the pulse oximeter signal (for example blood pressure cuff, artificial nails, nail polish, etc) · Insert the cannula into your nose; holding it down(in the right position) with adhesive tape. · Insert the sensors in the unit. 2.- SWITCHING ON THE...

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BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring - 5

WHAT IS SLEEP APNOEA? Sleep Apnoea and Hypopnoea Syndrome (SAHS) is a very common pathology (it affects 25% of the population) that entails a number of risks for health of the patients. SAHS consists of the repetition during sleep of a transient (of at least 10 seconds) closure of the upper airway, blocking the passage of air (apnoea) or limiting it (hypopnoea). The severity of this pathology can be classed as mild (if the number of respiratory stoppages per hour of sleep or AHI is between 5 and 14), moderate (if the AHI is between 15 and 29) or severe (if the AHI is 30 or over). Normal...

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BTI Apnia® - System of Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring - 6

B.T.I. Biotechnology Institute S.L. Parque Tecnologico de Alava Leonardo da Vinci ,14 01510 Minano (Alava) Espagne "T^bti Human Technology BTI Comercial San Antonio, 15 • 5° 01005 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) • Espagne Tel : +34 945 140 024 Fax : +34 945 135 203 Filiales ALEMANIA Mannheimer Str. 17 75179 Pforzheim • Allemagne Tel. +49 (0) 7231 428060 Fax +49 (0) 7231 4280615 FRANCIA 6 Avenue Neil Armstrong Immeuble Le Lindbergh 33692 Merignac CEDEX ■ France Tel: + (33) 556 18 11 18 ITALIA Piazzale...

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