Catalog excerpts

Product catalog Biomaterials Valid from January 2023
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Biomaterials for hard and soft tissue regeneration 2 Mem-Lok® Pliable (porcine) 8 BioPlug and BioStrip (bovine) 13 truTACK, truSCREW and truTENT 15 Biomaterials Product catalog 2023 | 1
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Biomaterials for hard and soft tissue regeneration Bone graft substitutes, membranes, Reconstructive Tissue Matrix and wound dressings The correct choice of biomaterials is crucial to achieve optimal clinical outcomes - in functional, structural and esthetic terms. Our portfolio of biomaterials offers you a comprehensive range of products for virtually all requirements needed for the regeneration of hard and soft tissue deficits. The product catalog provides a summary of our entire biomaterials portfolio. It serves as a guide and aid for the selection of suitable biomaterials. Our product...
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Allogenic bone graft substitute MinerOss® A MinerOss® A is an allograft made from human donor bone. Scientific studies have shown that allografts are most similar to the patient‘s auto logous bone in use. They integrate quickly and have the potential for remodeling [1–5]. MinerOss® A is largely derived from donated human femoral heads that are received and screened following hip replacement surgery. It is available as granules, blocks and plates. MinerOss® A is processed by Cells+Tissuebank Austria (C+TBA) in a multistep purification process for safe use – after the donor tissue has under...
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Porcine bone graft substitute MinerOss® XP MinerOss® XP is a porous bone mineral matrix consisting largely of calcium phosphate. It is obtained by removing organic components from cancellous bone of porcine origin. The inorganic MinerOss® XP bone matrix has macro- and microscopic structures which resemble those of human bone. Due to this trabecular architecture with inter connecting macro- and micropores, the ingrowth of new vessels and bone at the graft site is optimized. Ideal for following indications Product features Augmentation or reconstruction of the alveolar ridge Intra and...
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Bovine bone graft substitute MinerOss® X MinerOss® X is an anorganic, bovine bone, mineral matrix available in a variety of options. Physically and chemically, the product is comparable to the mineral structure of human bone. The formation and ingrowth of new bone at the implantation site of MinerOss® X is favored, due to its trabecular architecture, interconnecting macro and micro pores and its natural consistency. MinerOss® X Collagen is a combination of 95 % an organic, cancellous, bovine bone and approximately 5 % bovine collagen. This block form allows for convenience during placement...
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Bovine bone graft substitute CeraOss® CeraOss® is a 100 % pure bone mineral of bovine origin manufactured by a unique 1200 °C production process. Its three-dimensional porous network enables a fast penetration and adsorption of blood and serum proteins and serves as a depot for proteins and growth factors. The unique processing ensures maximum safety and leads to an exceptionally high purity of CeraOss®, providing ultimate volume stability of the augmentation site [13–15]. Ideal for following indications Product features Alveolar ridge augmentation/reconstruction 100 % pure natural bone...
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Synthetic bone graft substitute SynMax® SynMax® is a fully synthetic, safe and biocompatible material that, when brough into an osseous environment, serves as an osteoconductive scaffold to support the ingrowth and fusion of adjacent, vital bone. It‘s composed of 60 % hydroxyapatite and 40 % betatricalcium phosphate. After implantation the material undergoes a natural re odeling and is m gradually resorbed and replaced by new bone. SynMax® is a bone graft material that provides clinicians and their patients with an ideal alternative to human allograft and animal origin bone graft material...
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Porcine collagen membrane Mem-Lok® Pliable Mem-Lok® Pliable is a strong and conformable collagen membrane made of highly purified, porcine tissue. Mem-Lok® Pliable offers flexibility and strength. It is easy to handle and simple to fixate. This barrier membrane supports soft tissue and stabilizes the grafting area. Meticulously manu actured from highly purified, intact, porcine collagen f and minimally cross-linked, it is biocompatible and predictably resorbable. It is smoothly adaptable to defects and contours and can easily be repositioned. Due to its high suture pullout strength, it can...
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Porcine collagen membrane Argonaut® Argonaut® is a long lasting, conformable barrier membrane that drapes easily for graft site contours. It has excellent strength and stability for optimal graft site protection. Argonaut® membrane is a completely resorbable collagen membrane produced from porcine pericardium in a standardized, controlled purification process and used to support guided tissue and bone regeneration, for covering implants, and for periodontal tissue regeneration. Because of the special structure and strong fiber-linking of the pericardium, Argonaut® membrane offers a...
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Bovine collagen membrane Mem-Lok® RCM Mem-Lok® RCM is manufactured from highly purified, type I bovine collagen. Clinicians can be confident that Mem-Lok® RCM will serve as an effective barrier membrane for bone regeneration. Mem-Lok® RCM supports graft stabilization and bone growth by providing soft tissue support and space maintenance over a predictable timeframe. It is manufactured to ensure predictable resorption rates. Due to its in-vivo stability, it enables easy handling in demanding indications. Ideal for following indications Product features Periodontal defects Special handling...
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Synthetic PTFE membrane PermaPro® PermaPro® is an exceptionally thin, non-resorbable, temporary implan table and biocompatible membrane. It is composed of biologically inert, high-density poly etra uoroethylene (PTFE), which acts as an efficient t fl barrier against bacterial and cellular penetration, and can therefore be used for open healing in certain indications. Ideal for following indications Product features the regeneration of extraction sockets (Socket und Ridge For Preservation) 100 % synthetic PTFE barrier membrane use as a space-creating barrier in guided bone regeneration For...
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Laser-Lok® microchannels
4 Pages