Catalog excerpts
Symphony of Precise Measurements The intricacy of the science world is reminiscent of a music performance. As in music, a masterpiece performance calls for accuracy in each note played - in science, the precision of measurements used in research can lead either to a great discovery or a fruitless quest. CAPP recognized this at the earliest stages in its development and committed itself to only one task - designing pipettes that will be the most precise instruments in the industry without compromise. By introducing adjustable volume pipettes that can also be used with removable fixed volume...
Open the catalog to page 2CAPPBravo ecopipette CAPPAero 96 CAPPAero 384 & Plates CAPPTrio Microbiology Accessories ~r CAPPRondo Benchtop Equipment CAPPRondo Vortex Mixer CAPPRondo Microcentrifuge CAPPRondo Mini Centrifuge CAPPRondo Refrigerated Centrifuge 46 CAPPRondo Clinical Centrifuge mm 48 CAPPRondo 3D Shaker m 50 CAPPRondo Magnetic Stirrer 52 CAPPRondo Hotplate Stirrer CAPPRondo Tube Roller CAPPRondo Tube Rotator CAPPRondo Single Plate Shaker CAPPRondo 4-place Plate Shaker CAPPWash CAPPRondo Platform Shaker
Open the catalog to page 3PIPETTING OIPPB.SINGLE CHANNEL PIPETTES Manual pipetting has never been easier! CAPP has combined lightweight ergonomic design with the latest innovations in manual liquid handling to create CAPPBravo, the most user friendly manual pipette on the market today. CAPP Bravo is constructed of the highest quality autoclavable materials and features feather light plunger and ejection forces. There is a built-in oversized indicator for easy volume monitoring and precise adjustment. With CAPP Bravo all of these features are packaged in a modern, streamlined, world-renowned Danish design. Experience...
Open the catalog to page 4Ordering Information CAPPBravo Starter Packs Cat. No. SK-03-BB Description Three pipettes free of choice, C-05 stand, 3 racks of tips and 1 timer Description Pipette stand for up to 5 pipettes Description CAPP pipette, variable vol. 0.1-2µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 0.5-10µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 2-20µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 5-50µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 10-100µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 20-200µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 100-1000µL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 1-5mL, Bravo CAPP pipette, variable vol. 1-10mL, Bravo...
Open the catalog to page 5SINGLE CHANNEL PIPETTES The ecopipette is packed using recyclable, biodegradable materials and constructed from some of the most renewable durable resources available, to ensure an extended lifetime. CAPP ecotrade™ program: Return any brand of old pipettes in exchange for discounted new ecopipettes™. At CAPP, we will ensure an environmentally safe waste discharge of all old pipettes. Ask your favourite authorized CAPP distributor for more information about our ecotrade™ program. CAPP ecopipette™ Unique Advantages: • Lockable volume controller requiring 50% fewer turns • Display is fully...
Open the catalog to page 6Ordering Information SCOpipette Starter Packs Cat. No. Description SKE-03-XX 3 pipettes free of choice, stand, 3 racks of tips and a timer ‘ecopipette Variable Volume Pipettes Cat. No Description Inaccuracy % Imprecision % Colour Inaccuracy % Imprecision % C02-1S-001 CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 1pL , ecopipette CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 5pL, ecopipette CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 10pL, ecopipette CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 20pL, ecopipette CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 25pL, ecopipette C100-1-030 CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 30pL, ecopipette C100-1-050 CAPP pipette, fixed vol. 50pL, ecopipette C200-1-100...
Open the catalog to page 7M U LT I C H A N N E L P I P E T T E S Easy and light tip mounting and ejection Excessive use of the thumb is a major cause of repetitive strain injuries and user discomfort in multichannel pipetting. The unique design of the CAPPAero96 Multichannel Pipette considerably reduces the thumb workload. Ejection is simply a matter of applying light pressure to the levered ejector arm. Thanks to the double O-rings on the aluminum and metal nose cones, the CAPPAero96 Multichannel Pipette eliminates the need to ‘hammer’ your pipette into the tips rack to secure the optimal tip mounting. You now need...
Open the catalog to page 8CdPP OrigamiREAGENT RESERVOIRS Use your reagent most efficiently with CAPPOrigami Reagent Reservoirs. The CAPP&ugmi represents a new way of thinking when it comes to reagent reservoirs. The stiff architecture procure a consistently sharp V-shape reservoir. This makes pipetting easier and assures an efficient use of the reagent. They are packed, shipped and stored as flat sheets. To use the reservoir, simply flick it up by pushing the sides together. This environmentally and storage friendly product will save bench space and money. Ordering Information Reagent Reservoirs: CAAPP£hig*mi™ 30mL...
Open the catalog to page 9CAPPAero384 Multichannel Pipettes For 384-well Plates Most applications involving 384-well plates are performed using automated systems. CAPP provides the world’s only alternative for the quick and high precision pipetting of 16-, 48-, or 64-wells at once without the use of expensive, automated equipment. Ideal For 384-well Liquid Handling The CAPPAero384 48 & 64 channel pipette allows for pipetting large samples within a short period of time while reducing the workload. The CAPPAero384 is generally applicable for all transfers of liquids from reservoir and 384 deep-well plates into 384...
Open the catalog to page 10ELL PCR PLATES CAPP EAPell 384-well PCR plates are the ideal choice for PCR applications, thanks to their unique PP composition, their rigid form as well as the universal compatibility with basically all standard 384-well cyclers and many 384-well block (q)PCR cycler models. The ultra thin walls of EAPell 384-well PCR plates are specially treated to minimize the binding of proteins. CAPP plates are DNA, DNase, RNA, RNase and Pyrogen free certified and autoclavable. They feature an extremely low evaporation grade of less than 3%, enabling processing PCR volumes as small as 5^L. CAPP provides...
Open the catalog to page 11All Capp catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
CAPP Rondo Benchtop Equipment
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Capp Rondo microcentrifuge
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Pipetting Instruments
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1 Pages
1 Pages
CappRondo Minicentrifuge
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CappRondo Plate Shaker
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CappWash Microplate Washer
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1 Pages
CappRondo Vortex Mixer
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CappRondo Magnetic Stirrer
1 Pages
CappTempo Pipette Controller
2 Pages
44 Pages
CappWash ELISA plate washer
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Capp Harmony retips
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Capp R10
1 Pages
Capp Rhythm
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Capp Harmony serological
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Capp Controller
1 Pages
ExpellPlus filter tips
4 Pages
Expell tips
6 Pages
CappOrigami resevoir
2 Pages
CappTronic multichannel
2 Pages
CappTronic single channel
2 Pages
CappAero 384
2 Pages
CappAero multichannel
2 Pages
CappTrio fixed volume
2 Pages
CappAero Comfort
2 Pages
2 Pages
Capp Bravo
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
76 Pages
28 Pages
Capp® CATALOGUE 2020/21
76 Pages
CappRondo Benchtop Equipment
6 Pages
CappRondo Microcentrifuge
1 Pages
Capp Bravo
6 Pages