Catalog excerpts

TILT IN SPACE STAINLESS STEEL PAEDIATRIC SHOWER CHAIRS AND CRADLES SUITABLE FOR SHOWERING AND TOILETING APPLICATIONS ♦ Plain oraperture mesh available ♦ Padded side infills ♦ Safe working load 150kg ♦ 15 year warranty on frame The Tilt in Space Shower Cradle/Chair is designed to provide a comfortable alternative showering system in instances where the prone position might cause discomfort or distress to the user. It may also be used in circumstances of limited space providing a bathing solution where other units (eg a mobile shower trolley) may not have room for operation. A Tilt in Space unit may sometimes be used as a cost-effective and comfortable alternative toa"special"shower chair. Paediatric TIS Cradle, Upright Position
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