

Catalog excerpts

DAFO 2 - 1

Cascade DAFO Inc 1360 Sunset Avenue Ferndale, WA 98248 phone: 1-800-848-7332 fax: 1-877-856-2160 website: www.dafo.com DAFO 2 Hinged Block Plantarflexion KEY CONCEPT: PLANTARFLEXION STOP/FREE DORSIFLEXION Allows free dorsiflexion and blocks plantarflexion. Function is similar to DAFO 3. Proximal portion of DAFO 2 moves forward with the leg. The use of hinges adds complexity and cost when compared to a DAFO 3. 1. Require very tall posterior control for hyperextension of the knee. 2. Desire or need hinges for other reasons. Hindfoot: Forefoot: Ankle: excellent, wraparound control excellent, wraparound control, hindfoot stable STOP plantarflexion, FREE dorsiflexion This 2 model is shown with instep, forefoot and anterior straps, standard padding and toe rise.

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All Cascade Dafo catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Fast Fit

    2 Pages


    1 Pages

  3. DAFO 5 Softy

    1 Pages

  4. DAFO 2 Softy

    1 Pages

  5. DAFO 4 Softy

    1 Pages

  6. DAFO Turbo

    1 Pages

  7. DAFO 3.5

    1 Pages

  8. DAFO Tami2

    1 Pages

  9. DAFO FA

    1 Pages

  10. DAFO 8 Softy

    1 Pages

  11. DAFO 7

    1 Pages

  12. DAFO 9

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs