Compression screw


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Compression screw - 1


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Compression screw - 2

SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION Caution - pay attention to a special procedure. Perform the activity under X-Ray control. Information about the next stages of a procedure. Proceed to the next stage. Return to the specified stage and repeat the activity. Before using the product, carefully read the Instructions for Use. It contains, among others, indications, contraindications, side effects, recommendations and warnings related to the use of the product. The above description is not a detailed instruction of conduct. The surgeon decides about choosing the operating procedure. Review date The...

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Compression screw - 3


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Compression screw - 5

I. INTRODUCTION The instrument set used for compression screws includes: • instruments used to perform compression screws implantation and removal when the treatment is completed, • surgical technique. Compression screws are used to compress bone fragments and osteosynthesis of bone fragments, mostly in fractures within the bones of the hand and wrist. I.1. INDICATIONS FOR COMPRESSION SCREWS USE Compression screws are used for fractures of small bones of hand and wrist, mainly: • scaphoid bone and other wrist bones • basis metacarpalis • distal phalanxe

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Compression screw - 6

Compression cannulated screw ChM sp. z o.o., Lewickie 3b, 16-061 Juchnowiec Kościelny, POLAND, tel. + 48 85 86 86 100, fax + 48 85 86 86 101,, www.

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Compression screw - 7

Compression cannulated screw ChM sp. z o.o., Lewickie 3b, 16-061 Juchnowiec Kościelny, POLAND, tel. + 48 85 86 86 100, fax + 48 85 86 86 101,,

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Compression screw - 8

III. INSTRUMENT SET To perform the fixation of bone fragments using compression screws and to remove the implants after finished treatment, instrument set [40.8120.000] shall be used. Instruments included in the instrument set are arranged on a stand with a lid that facilitates their storage and transportation to the operating theater. Handle ratchet device Compression forceps Wire guide Depth measure Palette for instruments and implants Container with solid bottom 1/2 306x272x85mm Perforated aluminum cover 1/2 306x272x15mm Gray ChM sp. z o.o., Lewickie 3b, 16-061 Juchnowiec Kościelny,...

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Compression screw - 9

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE IV. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Used surgical technique depends on the type of fracture, place of its occurrence and the size of the compression screw chosen. The decision to use osteosynthesis with compression screws should be confirmed by taking an X-Ray of the fracture surrounding area. Treatment planning should take into account the selection of a suitable surgical approach that would ensure safe implantation. IV.1. SURGICAL APPROACH The compression treatment of the scaphoid bone fragments is usually performed using volar approach, via short simple incision over the...

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Compression screw - 10

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Attach the appropriate guide rod (the diameter of the wire chosen depends on the fracture type and place and the size of the compression screw) to the drive and through the guide in one of the compression forceps arms insert the wire reducing both bone fragments. Make sure not to penetrate the other cortical layer (control the drilling depth using X-Ray video channel imaging) Next guide wire (the diameter of the wire chosen depends on the fracture type and place and the size of the compression screw) attach to the drive and using a wire guide 40.8123, insert the wire...

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Compression screw - 11

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Optional drilling is possible only in the case of hard cortical bone. Match cannulated drill diameter to the size of the compression screw. CAUTION: Do not drill further from the tip of the guide wire so as not to weaken the compression screw mounting (control the drilling depth using X-Ray video channel imaging). Using handle ratchet device [40.6654] and screwdriver tip T10 [40.8129] or screwdriver tip T7 [40.8130] (the size of the screwdriver tip depends on the diameter of the compression screw) reduce bone fragments employing appropriately selected compression screw....

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Compression screw - 12

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Apply the same procedure as in point 5 for the other screw. Verify the correctness of the treatment performed. IV.3. COMPRESSION SCREWS REMOVAL When the treatment is completed, remove the implant from the bone. To do this, place the screwdriver tip T10 or T7 in the compression screw socket, then apply handle ratchet device [40.6654] to the chosen screwdriver tip and unscrew the screw from the bone. It is recommended to use solid screwdrivers not included in the instrument set. The above description is not detailed instruction of conduct. The surgeon decides about choosing...

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Compression screw - 14

ChM sp. z o.o. Lewickie 3b 16-061 Juchnowiec Kościelny Poland tel. +48 85 86 86 100 fax +48 85 86 86 101

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