Catalog excerpts

Cinel was founded in Padua in the 70’s with a technical partnership of INFN LNL Legnaro Laboratory on particle accelerator projects and since then has been involved in some of the most challenging projects all over Europe. Nowadays, CINEL has reached a long experience on mechanical design and manufacturing of apparatuses in several scientific and research fields such as Synchrotron Light Sources (monochromators, fully integrated front ends and beam lines, experimental chambers), as well as accelerator components (vacuum chambers, accelerating cavities, radiofrequency quadrupole cavities). DESIGN TESTING ASSEMBLY ENGINEERING INSTALLATION Cinel has acquired skilled experience in the field of cryogenics, superconductivity, astrophysics and bio-mechanics collaborating with well-known institutions as a qualified partner in the mechanical, thermal and control system design and it can thus now propose turnkey solutions with high level standardization. CAD-CAM environment and CNC machines allow Cinel to fully develop whole technical projects, from the design phase to the product certification taking care of all the electro-mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic aspects. Cinel is an ISO 9001 qualified company. Source Laboratories Strumenti Scientifici CINEL S.r.l. via dell’Artigianato, 14-14/A - 35010 Vigonza (Padova) - Italy ph. +39 049 725022 fax +39 049 8931881 www.cinel.com e-mail: info@cinel.com
Open the catalog to page 1
Vacuum Furnace Brazing Components for Synchrotron Light Source Laboratories HIGH VACUUM, HIGH TEMPERATURE SPECIAL BRAZINGS • All metal vacuum furnace (working volume 60/60/120 cm) • Aviation standard (AMS2750) compliant • Vacuum chamber is in stainless steel with Conflat flanges • Heating chamber has a circular cross section and it is entirely metallic (pure molybdenum, stainless steel and alumina); 3 independently controlled heating zones along the useful length are provided • Provided with internal gas cooling system, including tube&fin heat exchanger, centrifugal fan and motor • Maximum...
Open the catalog to page 2
MIRROR CHAMBERS Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) Mirror System Advanced Photon Source Argonne (USA) Mirror Chamber for X-ray Deimos Beamline Synchrotron Soleil Saint-Aubin (France) Mirror Chamber for Protein Crystallography Beamline (M2) X06DA Swiss Light Source SLS Villigen (Switzerland) Mirror Chamber for Protein Crystallography Beamline (M1) X06DA Swiss Light Source SLS Villigen (Switzerland)
Open the catalog to page 3
MONOCHROMATORS VUV Grating Monochromator for Disco Beamline Synchrotron Soleil Saint-Aubin (France) Fixed exit double channel DCM Monochromator (3.5÷25 keV) for BL-1A Beamline Photon Factory KEK Tsukuba (Japan) Fixed exit double channel DCM Monochromator (2.5÷100 keV) for ID06 Beamline European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - ESRF- Grenoble (France) Horizontally Dispersing Monochromator in Laue-Laue configuration with fixed exit Double Laue bent crystal (Double bounce) (~ 22.7÷141.7 keV) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF- Grenoble (France) Double Crystal/Multilayer Monochromator...
Open the catalog to page 4Archived catalogs
2 Pages
AD&RC series
2 Pages
ZEFIRO series
3 Pages
Air Generator
2 Pages
ZEFIRO series
2 Pages
7 Pages
AD series
2 Pages