Catalog excerpts

Manufacturers of Quality Pneumatic & Electronic Control Devices Minimatic® Control Valves Cylinders Electronic Valves Modular Valves Fittings & Hose
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Pioneers of ILLIAM L. CLIPPARD, JR. FOUNDED Clippard Instrument Laboratory in 1941. The initial product line consisted of electrical test EqUIPMENT, MAGNETic windings, and radio frequency coils. The first miniature fluid power devices designed and built by Clippard were for use in the manufacture of this equipment. In the early 1950's, Clippard introduced MlNIMATic® components AS A NEW PRODUCT LINE. The need for miniature PNEUMATICS WAS SO WIDESPREAD, THAT THE MlNIMATIC LINE WAS SUCCESSFUL ENOUGH TO BECOME CLIPPARD'S primary product LINE, Industry Diversity Over the past five decades, a...
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miniature pneumatic flow control products HISTORY Quality People • Quality Products Complete Product Line The complete Minimatic line includes over 5,000 standard products. Some of the many products offered include valves, Quality in Manufacturing Over 50 years of industry experience behind every product Worldwide distribution Quality remains a primary feature of every product Clippard produces. This Local stocking distributors practices and craftsmanship that has components, push buttons, electronic Application and engineering expertise continued throughout the years. The manifold cards,...
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N THE EARLY 1950’S, CLIPPARD INTRODUCED MINIATURE pNEuMATIc CYLINDERS AND vALvES TO INDUSTRY. NO OTHER manufacturer can boast of the same experience or KNowlEdgE of MINIATURE Components. Clippard cylinders are of original DEsigN, ARE of the finest OEM qUALITY available, and ARE FULLY-TEsTED For outstanding performance AND Long LIFE. Stainless Steel Clippard's reliable, high-quality stainless steel pneumatic cylinders feature polished ID 304 stainless steel tubes for low breakaway. Quality and craftsmanship assure excellent performance and long life. Available in 12 bore sizes with strokes...
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advantage reliable and long-lasting Air Force One® The Air Force One compact cylinders are the perfect choice for applications where physical size or harsh environments are an issue. The AFO cylinders feature a stainless steel tube and roller burnished piston rod. This means longer rod and piston seal life. Applications where dirt and abrasives may be ingested and cause seals to wear faster than normal, the AFO offers the benefit of tie rod construction, which enables seals to be replaced, rather than replacing the entire cylinder. Polished ID 304 stainless steel tubes for low...
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Clippard valves are econ HEN THE NEED ARISES FOR SMALL, ELECTRONIC VALVES, THE FIRST NAME TO COME TO MIND SHOULD BE CLIPPARD! THE COMPANY THAT pIONEERED THE #10-32 THREAD AS A PORT, MAINTAINS AN ATTITUDE OF qUALITY AS EVIDENCED IN EVERY PRODUCT MANUFACTURED AND ASSEMBLED. CLIPPARD MINIMATIc® valves ARE quiET IN OPERATION AND PRODUCE CONSISTENT RESuLTS. THE SMALL SIzE MAkES THEM well-suited for a wide RANGE OF APPLICATIONS. Versatility is the key when it comes to Clippard's Minimatic modular valves. Available in an unlimited variety of directional, flow, pressure and special control...
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omical, reliable and ready for the challenge priceless performance Proportional Control The EVP proportional control valves combine the features of the existing EV series valve—long life, low power, and outstanding performance—with the patented "Spider" armature. The EVP valve provides air or gas flow control, and varies the output flow based on the current input to the solenoid. The consistent gain of this valve provides a high degree of control for many applications. Easy-to-mount, small in size and fast response #10-32, 1/8" NPT and metric threads available Quiet and long life...
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LIPPARD MlNIMATIO® MINIATURE VALVES AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS HAVE EVOLVED INTO A WIDELY USED SYSTEM OF FLUID POWER CONTROL devices, KNOwN For quALiTy, value and PERFORMANCE. Our diverse range of CONTROL VALVES IS SUPPORTED by an experienced team of engineers and application specialists devoted to finding a solution to all your engineering challenges. 2-, 3- & 4-Way Clippard control valves are available in poppet or spool design, 2-, 3- or 4-way function, in sizes #3-56, #10-32, 1/8" NPT and metric ports, and for pressure up to 300 psig. They are available with solenoid, air pilot, manual...
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designed to meet today's engineering needs compact, high performance Shuttle & Needle Clippard's various shuttle valves feature a shuttle that allows flow from one inlet to the outlet while blocking the other inlet. Exhaust occurs through the port where pressure was last applied. They may be mounted directly to valves and cylinders, or utilized in-line using hose barbs on certain models. Adjustable control needle valves restrict the flow in both directions through various configurations to provide coarse or fine flow adjustment. 2-, 3- or 4-way functions Port sizes #3-56, #10-32 and...
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Clippard brass fittings support thread sizes #3-56, #10-32, 1/16" and 1/8" NPT. From the first hose barb manufactured to a comprehensive offering of over fifty fittings now available, Clippard can help with all your connection requirements. OR EASE IN CONSTRUCTION OF PNEUMATIC LOGIC CONTROL AND FLUID POWER SYSTEMS, CLIPPARD OFFERS AN EXTENSIVE CHOICE Of useful miniature fittings. CLIPPARD FITTINGS ARE DESIGNED FOR THE GREATEST FLEXIbILITY, practical usefulness AND FOR SAVINGS IN TIME, COST AND SPACE. FROM BARbED FITTINGS FOR 1/16” ID TUbING TO the NEw PUSH-QUICk LINE, CLIPPARD HAS THE The...
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save time, cost and space FITTINGSfi exible and practical Slip-On Slip-on fittings provide a flexible, easy alternative to ferrule and push-to-connect design fittings. The flexibility and strength of Clippard's urethane hose, and the compact design of these fittings are ideal for pneumatic applications where convenience and size are considerations. This combination provides a leak free connection that will hold well beyond the working pressure of the hose without the need for Push-Quick Push-Quick fittings provide a simple method of connecting pneumatic components to each other and system...
Open the catalog to page 11All Clippard catalogs and technical brochures
20 Pages
2 Pages
Clippard valves
15 Pages
Maximatic Valves & FRLs
2 Pages
European Scientific Catalog
21 Pages
Value-Added Brochure
1 Pages
Packaging Brochure
2 Pages
Scientific Catalogs
16 Pages
Metric Control Valves Catalog
76 Pages
NPP Series 2
2 Pages
Metric Miniature Control-Valves
72 Pages
Clippard Full-Line Catalog
196 Pages
Metric Miniature Electro-Valves
88 Pages
Custom Solutions Brochure
6 Pages