Catalog excerpts

weefsel / ind / Gewebe / tissue / toxuma / ehun / teixit / tisi / tkivo / væv / tejido / kude / meinwe / kudos / szövet / jaringan / vefjum / tessuto / textus / audi / audinys / tisu / tessut / weefsel / vev / tkanka / tecido / tkanivo / tkivo / vävnad / tishu / tisiyu / doku / mô
Open the catalog to page 1
Botticelli - ref. 787 07 45 Textile : 66% polyester - 34% coton + Synthétique : 97% PVC - 3% Polyuréthane Textile : 66% polyester - 34% coton + Synthétique : 97% PVC - 3% Polyuréthane Textile : 66% polyester - 34% coton + Synthétique : 97% PVC - 3% Polyuréthane
Open the catalog to page 6
62% coton - 15% acrylique - 11% viscose - 10% polyester - 2% lin Textile : 66% polyester - 34% coton + Synthétique : 97% PVC - 3% Polyuréthane
Open the catalog to page 7
60% viscose - 20% coton - 20% polyester Textile : 66% polyester - 34% coton + Synthétique : 97% PVC - 3% Polyuréthane
Open the catalog to page 8
70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 11
Open the catalog to page 11
Corot - ref. 768 14 68 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 12 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres
Open the catalog to page 12
70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres 70% laine - 25% polyamide - 5% autres fibres
Open the catalog to page 13
44% viscose - 31% coton - 18% polyester - 7% lin
Open the catalog to page 18
36% pc - 29% viscose - 11% polyester - 16+% lin - 8% coton
Open the catalog to page 20
Collinet sas 4, rue du Moulin - 55130 Baudignécourt - France T él. : (33) 0-329 89 61 06 - Fax : (33) 0-329 89 77 01 E-mail : contact@collinet-sieges.fr - www.collinet-sieges.fr
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