Catalog excerpts
PRESSURE STUDY ComfoftSoul 4* UltraPlush" Competitor Our trademarked UltraPlush™ Cushioning System and DuraSoft™ Upholstery offers the thickest, softest, most ergonomic padding and cushioning system ever built. The ComfortSoul UltraPlush™ Cushioning System consists of 4 inches of Multi-Layered UltraPlush™ Padding engineered at different densities to provide ultimate support and LIFETIME WARRANTY ComfortSoul Guarantees that all Massage Series and Elite Series Spa Tables, namely Acadia Elite™, Siena Elite™, Denali Elite™, Solara Elite"*, Lumina Elite™, Siena™, Denali™, and Solara™ include a...
Open the catalog to page 2ALPINA PEDICURE CHAIR WWW.COMFORTSOUL.COM ALPINA PEDICURE CHAIR Available Packages: • Water- resistant premium finish. • ComfortSoul DuraSoft™ Upholstery: Luxurious, soft, durable, waterproof, and environmentally friendly surface. • ComfortSoul UltraPlush™ Cushioning System: 4 inches of 3-layered UltraPlush™ Padding engineered at different densities to provide ultimate support and comfort. • Foot bath may be removed or tucked away for added convenience; no plumbing required. • Foot bath comes complete with a copper basin, known for its antimicrobial properties.* • Stainless steel handlebar...
Open the catalog to page 3ACADIA ELITE The Acacia™ Elite is Comfort Soufs most advanced product A unique addition to the market, the Acadia™ EWe provides the greatest staWrty comfort and portability. The focal port of the bed. the patented TrtanLift** industrial strength l.fttng column utilizes state-oMhe-art technology to alow for maximum balance during high pressure procedures Furthermore, the column profile shortens the distance between practitioner and client to provxle unmatched ergonomc teg accessary. The Acadia™ Elite also features our patented I iteStep v retractable ttheet mechanism that aAows lor &as/...
Open the catalog to page 4'For the last Ml years. I nave worked extensively with ComfortSoul 10 develop a chair that allows the esthehcian to sit tor extended periods of time at optimum comfort. By carefully observing the esthetician's working positions, we were able lo create the perfect chair for the esthetictan The contoured cush-ons. adjustable tilt, and custom fit lumbar support are the key innovations that make the ComfortSoul Estnebctan Chair the most ergonomtc solution in the Industry" The ComfortSoul Esthetic! an Chair is the most ergononnc chair developed specifically for the comfort of the Estheticiarv...
Open the catalog to page 5SIENA ELITE The Stone Elite Spa Treatment and Massage Tabla provides exceptional quati y and value for massage and bodywoik practitioners at mi as spa care [xotessonals. OJT tradomartod UltraPlush™ Cushioning System and DuraSeft1* Upholstery offers the hicfcttl softest moil ergonomlc padding and custoonng system tver built. Our SmoothLock End Attachment Support allows attachments to glide easily into posbon. The unbebevaMe height ranpe *i made posaibto by UWKJ our industry loading X-Jift"* system that provides unmatched stability and fcfting range w*ti a touch of a button. The Siena Dite is...
Open the catalog to page 6LUMINA ELITE The lumma Elite is the ultir-aie m vertatHy and comfort. Our trademark UtraP*JShf" Ctshiorumj System and CXjaSo't'" Upholstery oflers lf>e thickest, softest, most argonomic padding and cushioning system ever built Our SmoothLock™ End Attachment SufWrt allows gQacfrnents to glide easily into position The stable heigh adjustment to made possible by using our industry leading Z-lift™ system thai provides unmatched stability and smoothness with a touch o( a button The incredble El te 3 Topindudet full eiecthc adjustment, wfh greater back and lag range thin other tables The Lumina...
Open the catalog to page 7DENALI ELITE The Dcnali Eiflo Spa Treatment and Massago Table has a dean, contemporary appearance popular m many of our *ortd-famous spa locations. Our trademarked UtraPlush** Cushioning SyaMm and DutaSoft Uphotelery offers Ihe thickest. Mitral. mo$l argonomc padding and cushioning ayVem flvor built. Our Srrxwthtotk"1 End Attachment Support allows attachments to glide «asiry Into position. The mctwtbfe EHo-4 Top™ indwfrt oxntoftable lumbal support and M electrtc adjustment pf owlmg easy and related positioning of your chants CorrtfortSouls piCffwlary design incorporates higher quelty oak...
Open the catalog to page 8Th« Solara Elite prowJea inacdWe contort with the added elegance of natural oak wood. Our trademark**! UHmPUrth^ Cushioning System and Dui»Soflw Uphotstery offers tht thickest. joftoL most ergonomic p*ttog and cusbkwg ayilemever buill Our Smx>mLockm End Attachment Support afloM attachments to gide ea$4y into position. The tncredibto EMM Top*" Includes comfortable tuppcn and full electric ad|uslmen1. providing easy and relaxed positioning of your clients Contort Sou. s proprietary des gn ficorporato* higher quality oak wood, plus uruque constructxm that makes it ona of Pie strcngost....
Open the catalog to page 9Tht Siena Spa Treatment and Massage Table provdes exceptional qualiy and value for message and bodywork practitioners as well as spa care professional*. Our trademerked UftraPluth"1 Cushioning System and DixaScft1* Upholstery offers the thickest, softest, most ergonomic padding end cusnionmg system aver built. Out Smoothtod;'1' End Attachment Support alow* atlacfcments to glde easily rts put-on. The unbelievable height rang* is made posstfe by using our industry leading XlftV* sy*!en that provides unmatched stability and tfbng range with a touch of a button The Siena is *hee4cha* accessible...
Open the catalog to page 10The Donah Spa Treatment and Massage TeWe hit i dean, contenporory appearance popular in many ol our worfcJ-tomous spa locations Our trademarked UKraWush"* Cushioning System and DuraSoftm UpWtttry offers the thickest, softest, most acgonomte padding and cushioning system ever bull. Our SmooChLoc*'* End Attachment Support elows attachments to gf<Jc wvly mio portion ComfcrtSours proprietary design incorporates higher quality oak wood. plus unique construction that makes it one of the strongest, most durable. and reliaM tables ol lis kind in the spa industiy The oak frame is made from 100%...
Open the catalog to page 11