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Gentle preparation paves the way for successful stula repair. S P E C I F I C D ES IG N COORD IN ATED SYSTEM The only product available that is specically designed for stula tract identication and preparation. Cleans and gently debrides the stula tract with a back and forth motion, removing nonvascularized tissue. Pairs perfectly with the Surgisis® Biodesign™ Fistula Plug, serving as the lead to pull the plug into place.

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ORDERING INFORMATION Used to identify, clean or debride an anal or recto-vaginal stula tract and facilitate placement of the Surgisis Biodesign Fistula Plug. Supplied sterile in peel-open package. Intended for one-time use. Not for vascular use. Do not increase the diameter of the stula tract. Global Product Number Order Number ACCESSORY PRODUCTS Surgisis Biodesign Fistula Plug Anal Fistula Recto-Vaginal Fistula COOK ME DICAL IN CORP ORATE D P.O. Box 4195, Bloomington, IN 47402-4195 U.S.A. Phone: 812.339.2235, Toll Free: 800.457.4500, Toll Free Fax: 800.554.8335 COOK (CAN ADA) IN C. 111...

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All COOK Medical catalogs and technical brochures

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Archived catalogs