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Catalog excerpts

LITHO-60 - 2

Litho 60 THE REVOLUTION IN LITHOTRIPSY The Litho 60 Holmium laser (2.1 µm) meets the increasing demand for efficacy and flexibility and cost-effectiveness as a unique multi-application laser platform able to perform both Lithotripsy and HoLEP. The Litho 60 brings outstanding innovation by offering the exclusive Vapor TunnelTM, Virtual BasketTM and MasterPULSE technologies. This device further offers impressive settings for energy and frequency (up to 60 Hz). General Overview Effective Lithotripsy High-FrequencyEmission (up to 60 Hz) Minimized Retropulsion BPH Treatment Advanced Pulse...

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LITHO-60 - 3

RFID Recognition System Fiber Connection Transportation Handle Automatic Aperture Sensor Double Footswitch Connection Double Footswitch Mode #2 (e.g., coagulation) Ready / Standby Switch Mode #1 (e.g., cutting) The double footswitch enables immediate switch from one emission mode to another, with complete customization of pedal-mode association. No bothersome interruptions are needed for setting readjustments.

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LITHO-60 - 4

SHORT PULSE (HIGH ENERGY) HIGH PULSE ENERGY Up to 5 J for a wide pulse energy range TREAT THE HARDEST STONES TOO Greater pulse energy allows you to break harder stones. COLLECTION BASKET NEEDED Retrieve stone pieces upon fragmentation.

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LITHO-60 - 5

Dusting Effect LONG PULSE LIMITED RETROPULSION Easy ablation with no need to chase the stone NO NEED FOR A BASKET The resulting fine dust obviates the need for a retrieval phase. LONG PULSE WIDTH Up to 1100 µs, for smooth Long Pulse Dusting EXTREME FREQUENCY Up to 60 Hz, for enhanced speed in Dusting action HIGH FREQUENCY

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LITHO-60 - 6

Vapor TunnelTM Peak Power Consisting of a Single Specific Long Pulse, this emission mode allows limited retropulsion and fine stone ablation. The Vapor TunnelTM is designed to use the minimum peak power in accordance with selected output settings. Bubble Dynamics of Vapor TunnelTM Virtual BasketTM Peak Power The double pulse modulation used with the Virtual BasketTM emission mode allows limited stone movements and fine lithotripsy. With the Virtual BasketTM, a first pulse is used to generate the vapor bubble and a second pulse, emitted from the same fiber, propagates through the bubble to...

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LITHO-60 - 7

Specific modulation of laser pulses generates longer bubbles able to extend further towards the target. This long bubble touching the target represents a direct connection between fiber tip and stone.

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LITHO-60 - 8

MasterPULSE PRECISE CUTTING CUTTING TUNING SHOCKWAVE DISSECTION Adjust cutting fashion based on your needs and the area of Example of HoLEP mode Shockwave EnucleaƟon General Benefits Reduce retropulsion and modify tissue cutting more easily: Instead of trying multiple different settings, start with your preferred settings and then adjust the MasterPulse to tune the effect of laser emission based on your visual feedback. Regulation of pulse width has never been so easy! EASE OF TREATMENT Experience a more intuitive and different way to adjust laser settings, simply based on your visual...

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LITHO-60 - 9

LONG PULSE SHORT PULSE REDUCED STONE INSTABILITY Lower the stone instability step by step, by progressively increasing pulse width. Example of Lithotripsy mode 7 CUTTING DOWN TREATMENT TIME GREATER FLEXIBILITY Obtain the desired effect quickly, without losing time with the standard adjustment of energy and frequency parameters. 7 levels of pulse width offer a greater flexibility compared to the traditional 3 levels offered by the other Holmium devices.

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LITHO-60 - 10

BPH The large amount of literature demonstrates the efficacy and safety advantages of HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) with respect to traditional treatments available for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) Recent studies and trials have validated the excellent outcomes achieved by this technique, with its success being reproduced in a diverse array of patients. Clinical evidences proved a 50 - 60 W Holmium output to work perfectly for an effective and gentle enucleation. HoLEP provides excellent results in terms of long-term effectiveness, safety, hemostasis and fast...

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LITHO-60 - 11

User-Friendly Software MasterPULSE Emission Mode Fiber Info Case History Menu Emission Counters GUIDED SELECTION · BPH · Lithotripsy · Soft Tissues SAVE / LOAD PRES

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LITHO-60 - 12

Fibers The Litho 60 device can be operated with a large range of fibers, depending on the application, flexibility and settings required. JACKET Helps in recognizing fiber position and improves probe stiffness BUFFER Protective Coating Layer CLADDING Mantains radiation energy within the core FIBER CORE Delivers energy to the target STANDARD FIBERS BALL-TIP FIBERS SIDE FIBERS For general use in stone and soft tissue treatments Strongly simplify the insertion in deflected scopes Allow side ablation of soft tissue

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LITHO-60 - 13

FIBER RECOGNITION The Litho 60 automatically adjusts emission settings based on the connected fiber’s diameter. AVAILABLE DIAMETERS STERILIZATION TRAY All fibers are available both as disposable and reusable (except balltip and side fibers). Reusable fibers can be sterilized by Sterrad® and steam sterilization. A dedicated tray for sterilization of fibers and tools Sterrad is a registered trademark of ASP Global Manufacturing GmbH

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LITHO-60 - 14

Applications The Litho 60 can be used to perform lithotripsy and incision, excision, resection, ablation, vaporization, coagulation and hemostasis of soft tissue in various medical specialties, including: GENERAL SURGERY UROLOGY LITHOTRIPSY, BPH TUMORS (e.g. Bladder) STRICTURES BNI

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LITHO-60 - 15

Technical Specifications Wavelength Average power Repetition rate Pulse duration Beam delivery Wide range of flexible silica fibers Aiming beam Fiber recognition Activation Electrical requirements Cooling Operating temperature Laser class Dimensions and weight RFID System Double footswitch 200 – 230 Vac; 50/60 Hz; 5kVA, single phase Internal chiller 10°C–30°C 4 (IEC 60825-1) 52 cm (W) x 120 cm (D) x 123 cm (H) (monitor closed)

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LITHO-60 - 16

This brochure is intended for the U.S. market. VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION Avoid eye skin exposure to direct or scattered radiation Laser product: Class 4 Aiming beam: Class 3R Rx Only CAUTION - Laser radiation Note: National local authorities may put restrictions to the parameters indicated in the table in the previous page, or may limit or remove certain intended uses. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Quanta System S.p.A - - Quanta System products are manufactured according to the International standards and have...

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