Catalog excerpts

C R I T I CA L CARE E N D O SCOPY I N T E RV E N T IONAL R A D I OLOGY LEAD M A N AG EMENT P E R I P HERAL I N T E RV E NTION S U RGERY U R OLOGY WO M E N ’ S H EALTH EMEA: EDI – www.cookmedical.com/edi.do Distributors: +353 61239240, ssc.distributors@cookmedical.com Austria: +43 179567121, oe.orders@cookmedical.com Belgium: +32 27001633, be.orders@cookmedical.com Denmark: +45 38487607, da.orders@cookmedical.com France: +33 171230269, fr.orders@cookmedical.com Germany: +49 6950072804, de.orders@cookmedical.com Hungary: +36 17779199, hu.orders@cookmedical.com Ireland: +353 61239252, ie.orders@cookmedical.com Italy: +39 0269682853, it.orders@cookmedical.com Netherlands: +31 202013367, nl.orders@cookmedical.com Norway: +47 23162968, no.orders@cookmedical.com Poland: +48 223060159, pl.orders@cookmedical.com Spain: +34 912702691, es.orders@cookmedical.com Sweden: +46 858769468, se.orders@cookmedical.com Switzerland: French: +41 448009609, fr.orders@cookmedical.com Italian: +41 448009609, it.orders@cookmedical.com German: +41 448009609, de.orders@cookmedical.com United Kingdom: +44 2073654183, uk.orders@cookmedical.com Spectrum In-Service Guide Customer Service Centers AORTIC I N T E RV E NTION Americas: EDI – www.cookmedical.com/edi.do Phone: +1 812.339.2235, 800.457.4500, Fax: 800.554.8335 E-mail: orders@cookmedical.com
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Cook Spectrum M+R Catheters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–4 Insertion and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–8 Power Injection and Flow Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–14 EchoTip® Echogenic Needles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–18 Full Spectrum Safety Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–22 Additional Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24–32 C lamping Movable Suture Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 M icroCLAVE® Neutral Displacement Connector . . . . . 27-28 BakSnap® Retractable Safety Syringe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30...
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Cook Spectrum M+R Catheters
Open the catalog to page 4
Proven Lowest Infection Rates To combat CRBSIs, we impregnate our polyurethane catheters with the clinically proven combination of minocycline and rifampin. More than 21 peer-reviewed articles and meta-analyses recognize Spectrum as superior—it’s evidence of protection no other process or technology can match. Furthermore, over 10 years of clinical use and a study of more than 500,000 catheter days4 show no evidence of bacterial resistance. Cook Spectrum® catheters give your patients the best protection possible against CRBSIs and may also provide significant economic benefits for your...
Open the catalog to page 5
Cook Spectrum – M+R Catheters the right combination Minocycline+rifampin is the most rigorously studied and synergistic combination of antibiotics available on a catheter for reducing CRBSIs through two distinct mechanisms of action. Unlike most antibiotics, this combination has the ability to penetrate the biofilm that forms on all indwelling catheters.1 Unmatched Evidence Two decades of evidence, including more than 21 peer-reviewed studies and four meta-analyses, confirm minocycline+rifampin catheters are the most effective tool available to provide broad-spectrum protection against...
Open the catalog to page 6
Open the catalog to page 8
Important Information Contraindications Do not use on patients with known allergy or history of allergy to tetracyclines (including minocycline) or rifampin. Minocycline and rifampin are agents that do not induce any genotoxic risks except a possible teratogenic effect in pregnant women. We therefore do not recommend the use of Cook Spectrum and Spectrum Glide catheters in pregnant women. Hospital-Approved Injection Caps Work with your hospital infection control team to learn about your hospital’s injection caps and follow manufacturers’ recommendations for proper use, care and maintenance...
Open the catalog to page 9
Cook Spectrum – Insertion and Maintenance Suggested Lumen Use Port Suggested Use whole blood or blood product delivery and sampling, any situation requiring greater flow rate, CVP monitoring, medication delivery, power injection* Distal Double Lumen Proximal medication delivery, acute hyperalimentation Distal Triple Lumen/ Five Lumen whole blood or blood product delivery and sampling, any situation requiring greater flow rate, CVP monitoring, medication delivery, power injection* medication delivery, acute hyperalimentation Proximal(s) medication delivery *FDA cleared for power injection in...
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Open the catalog to page 12
Power Injection CT printed on distal lumen. Power inject contrast media through distal lumen only.
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Cook Spectrum – Power Injection and Flow Rates Maximum Flow Rate mL/sec* Average Pressure at Maximum Flow psi* 7 Fr, Triple Lumen, Power-Injectable CVC 8 Fr, Double Lumen, Power-Injectable CVC 9 Fr, Triple Lumen, Power-Injectable CVC 10 Fr, Five Lumen, Power-Injectable CVC *Maximum pressure limit settings of 325 psi. All testing verified on industry-leading MEDRAD® Stellant® CT Injector. Maximum flow rates printed on lumen clamp. MEDRAD and Stellant are registered trademarks of MEDRAD, Inc.
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Lumen Information* *ln accordance with ISO 10555-3, lumens of each device 1 3 were flow tested using 20°C purified water, with a head height of 1,0
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Minimum Approximate Lumen Flow Equivalent Volume Rate Port gage mL mL/hr
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Open the catalog to page 18
EchoTip® Echogenic Needles “…As the angle of insonation decreased, echogenic needles became much more advantageous. This corresponds to many biopsy situations and venous access in large patients or deep sites…” “…EchoTip (Cook) needles remained clearly better than all others down to the 15° angle…”6 Safer Method of CVC Insertion The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recommends ultrasound for CVC placement as one of 11 practices to improve patient safety, based on the greatest strength o
Open the catalog to page 19All COOK Medical catalogs and technical brochures
16 Pages
Litho 100
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Nester Embolization Coils
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2 Pages
Flexor Ansel Guiding Sheath
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EUS 3 Needle
12 Pages
Simplifying Hemostasis.
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8 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Physician’s pocket reference guide
132 Pages
Surgical Melker
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16 Pages
Beacon Tip
4 Pages
Products for Dialysis
15 Pages
Royal Flush Plus
4 Pages
Ureteral Stent Drainage
3 Pages
Fusion ® Zilver
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
32 Pages
Fusion ®
2 Pages
Centesis and Drainage Products
20 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Salivary Stone Extractors
4 Pages
2 Pages
Hercules ®
2 Pages
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
Hemostasis Family
6 Pages