Cordis Carotid Systems
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Cordis Carotid Systems - 1

A Cardinal Health company Cordis Carotid Systems Conformability like no other. Design matters. PRECISE PRO RX® Nitinol Stent System and ANGIOGUARD® RX Emboli Capture Guidewire System

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 2

The Cordis Carotid Artery Stent System The Cordis Carotid Artery Stent System offers a unique design ideally suited to the challenges of Carotid Artery Stenting.* Cordis PRECISE PRO RX Stent ® A unique design for enhanced contourability, increased longitudinal stability and uniform scaffolding. • 36 struts / 6 alternating bridges • 1 mm flare at stent end • Offset peak-to-valley design Cordis ANGIOGUARD RX Guidewire System ® The short landing zone and small pore size work in unique combination with the PRECISE PRO RX® Stent to offer greater control and ease of use. Learn what sets the...

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 3

The PRECISE PRO RX® Stent, coupled with the short landing zone of the ANGIOGUARD® RX Guidewire System, creates a combination that's suitable for virtually any CAS procedure. Carotid Artery Stenting A procedure like no other requires a solution like no other. The art of stenting complex carotid vessels requires a skill like no other. It also requires products specifically designed for this tortuous region.1 Rigid stents may cause kinking and unnatural wall apposition, potentially posing an increased risk of complications.2 Choose the stent that conforms to the supra-aortic anatomy...

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 4

A better way to manage tortuous anatomy. Simplicity of use, precision placement, and proven outcomes. With its unique peak-to-valley design and segmented micromesh geometry, the PRECISE PRO RX® Stent provides simplicity of use, autotapering and excellent flexibility through tortuous anatomical challenges.3* Enhanced wall apposition in bifurcation Multi-segment design Micromesh geometry Enhanced wall apposition Peak-to-Valley design Unique autotapering design enhances conformability in bifurcation Autotapering design follows the vessel wall for enhanced conformability and wall apposition in...

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 5

PRECISE PRO RX® Stent offers: Micromesh technology peak-to-valley design THE DESIGN DIFFERENCE Unique design reduces fish scaling and kinking in the bend, preserving the complex angulation between the CCA and ICA. Simplicity of use • Autotapering provides precision guidance and remarkable placement accuracy • Excellent flexibility • Rapid exchange technology permits a single operator procedure Micro-mesh multi-segmented design • The lowest profile system on the market, with a lower sheath fit • Each 2mm segment acts as its own stent to contour against the original wall anatomy •...

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 6

Durable outcomes. Time after time, Cordis delivers proven results in Carotid Artery Stenting. patients studied An extensive body of clinical evidence is yet another advantage of the Cordis CAS system. From the first and only randomized high-risk trial (SAPPHIRE) to data being generated today, Cordis continues to deliver improved outcomes. Major Ipsilateral Stroke Minor Ipsilateral Stroke SAPPHIRE twice published in NEJM • SAPPHIRE WW published in CCI (Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions) Journal • Data presented at Vascular Interventional Advances (VIVA), Las Vegas, NV, Aug....

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 7

Carotid Artery Stenting, through the CORDIS CASES® Carotid Artery Stenting Education System, continues to demonstrate similar outcomes from smaller trials among very experienced physicians to larger registries with physicians who have varying levels of experience. a Online Didactic Observation & Simulation INTERNET DELIVERY REGIONAL EDUCATION CENTER Staff In-service and Proctoring ON-SITE TRAINING SAPPHIRE-like Outcomes Three levels of training.Similar quality outcomes among varying levels of expertise.

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 8

Cordis PRECISE PRO RX® Nitinol Stent System PRODUCT CODE (mm) RECOMMENDED VESSEL SIZE (mm) SHEATH (F)/GUIDE COMPATIBILITY 5F and 6F crossing profile. 135cm catheter working length. 0.014" guidewire acceptance. 3F proximal shaft. Cordis ANGIOGUARD® RX Emboli Capture Guidewire System PRODUCT PRODUCT GUIDEWIRE SYSTEM FILTER RECOMMENDED CROSSING CODE CODE DIAMETER LENGTH BASKET VESSEL DIAMETER PROFILE Medium Support Extra Support (in) (cm) (mm) (mm) (F) Eight Nitinol struts. Available in medium and extra support. 100 micron basket pore size.

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 9

Cordis PRECISE PRO RX® Nitinol Stent System INDICATIONS FOR USE The Cordis PRECISE PRO RX® Nitinol Stent System used in conjunction with the ANGIOGUARD® RX Emboli Capture Guidewire is indicated for the treatment of patients at high risk for adverse events from carotid endarterectomy who require carotid revascularization and meet the criteria outlined below. • Patients with neurological symptoms and > 50% stenosis of the common or internal carotid artery by ultrasound or angiogram OR patients without neurological symptoms and > 80% stenosis of the common or internal carotid artery by...

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Cordis Carotid Systems - 10

Cordis. A Cardinal Health company Source documents on file at Cordis, a Cardinal Health company. CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. See package insert for full product information. © 2017 Cardinal Health. All rights reserved. CORDIS, the Cordis LOGO, PRECISE, PRECISE PRO RX and ANGIOGUARD are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cardinal Health. For information on indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse events, see Full Instructions for Use. For Customer Service, call 1.800.327.7714 or visit...

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  8. Accessories

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  9. AquaTrack

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  10. Avanti®+

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  11. RadialSource

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  12. ADROIT

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  13. Product catalog

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