

Catalog excerpts

TR700-100-1 - 1

基本信息/ Basic Information: 产品型号 Screen bracket Max load Keyboard holder Max load Screen Tilt Angle: Screen Horizontal Rotate Height adjust method 气弹簧升降 / Gas spring inside Height adjust range Trolley top to grand height 铝合金 Aluminum 、钢板 steel plate、ABS/PC

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TR700-100-1 - 2

推车产品规格尺寸 Trolley Specification 1、推车底座高度 Base Height:200mm 2、推车立杆顶部至地面最大高度 Trolley top to ground Max height :1600mm 3、推车立杆顶部至

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TR700-100-1 - 3

桌面产品规格尺寸 Table Specification 1、桌面外围尺寸 Table outside size:511*470mm 2、桌面实际使用尺寸 Usable size:473*323mm 3、键盘托盘实际使用尺寸 Keyboard hold

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TR700-100-1 - 4

底座产品规格尺寸 Base Specification

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TR700-100-1 - 5

双层抽屉产品规格尺寸(选配) 2 layer drawer

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TR700-100-1 - 6

1 layer Drawer specification (Optional)

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TR700-100-1 - 7

Basket Specification (Optional)

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All Coriton Instrument Co. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. WM800

    2 Pages