INNO Submerged Narrow Implant
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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 1


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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 2

INNO SUBMERGED NARROW IMPLANT (Sub-N.) System Flow Fixture Level Impression Pick-up Impression Coping Transfer Post Multi Pick-up Impression Coping Multi Transfer Post Multi Meta G ULCA Cylinder Multi Plastic UCLA Cylinder Multi Titanium Cylinder Multi Polishing Protector Abutment Level Impression Direct Impression Straight 002 INNO-SUB. NARROW IMPLANT INNO-SUB. NARROW IMPLANT 003

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 3

INNO Submerged Narrow Implant (Sub-N.) Pre-Mount > Packing unit : 1 Fixture + 1 Cover Screw + 1 Mount. Diameter Length Submerged Fixture Surface Treatment : SLA-SH® SUB-N. HEXAGON SYSTEM > Interchangeable with hexagonal morse tapered fixture. > Internal hex connection (Taper 11°/ Hex 2.1). > The INNO Sub. Narrow System is not compatible with the INNO Submerged System as hexagon size is different. Diameter Length > Packing unit : 1 Mount + 1 Mount Screw. > Tightened with the 1.2 Hex Driver. > Tightening torque force : 5~10 Cover Screw D No-Mount Diameter Length Diameter Length Healing...

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 4

Cemented Abutment Components Selection Guide for Cemented and UCLA Abutment Temporary Abutment Meta G UCLA Abutment Angulated Abutment Transfer Post Open or Closed Tray Impression Cover Screw > Packing unit : 1 Angulated Abutment + 1 Abutment Screw. > For Screw-Cement or Cement Retained Prosthesis. > Solution for anterior esthetic zone. > Gold color for esthetics. > Connected with the Abutment Screw (SSHR100N). > Tightened with the 1.2 Hex Driver and Torque Wrench. > Tightening torque force : 20~25 > Fixture level impression. Pick-up Impression Coping 006 INNO-SUB. NARROW IMPLANT...

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 5

Meta G UCLA Abutment > Packing unit : 1 Meta G UCLA Abutment + 1 Abutment Screw. > For Screw Retained Prosthesis. > Modification to angulated abutment, customized abutment and telescopic abutment. > CCM alloy core for precise connection. > Cast with non-precious metal or gold alloy. > Connected with the Abutment Screw (SSHR100N). > Tightened with the 1.2 Hex Driver and Torque Wrench. > Tightening torque force: 20~25 > Fixture level impression. Pick-up Impression Coping Abutment Screw (Short) (Long) Diameter Length / Cuff (Short) (Long) > Packing unit : 1 Abutment Screw. > Tightened...

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 6

Component Selection Guide for Multi S&A Abutment Diameter Cuff Multi Cylinder Screw > Packing unit : 1 Multi S Abutment. > For Screw-Retained Prosthesis. > Titanium base for the cylinders. > Gold color for more translucent restoration. > Integrated with screw and abutment. > Library available for EXOCAD®, 3Shape® & Others. > Use the S Holder for more stable position. > Tightened with the S Machine & S Ratchet Driver and Torque Wrench. > Tightening torque force : 20~25 > Abutment level impression. Multi Polishing Protector Multi Meta G UCLA Cylinder Multi Plastic UCLA Cylinder Multi...

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 7

Multi Lab Analog Multi S & A Abutment Diameter Multi S & A Abutment Diameter Multi Meta G UCLA Cylinder Type Diameter Height > Packing unit: 1 Multi Pick-up Impression Coping + 1 Guide Pin. > For open tray impression. > Connected with the Guide Pin (2SMGP012). > Tightened with the 1.2 Hex Driver and Torque Wrench. > Tightening torque force: 12~15 Multi S & A Abutment Diameter Diameter Height > Packing unit : 1 Multi Meta G UCLA Cylinder + 1 Multi Cylinder Screw. > For Screw, Cement or Screw-Cement Retained Prosthesis. > Modification to various types of abutments. > CCM alloy core for...

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 8

Multi Titanium Cylinder Multi Holder Type Multi S & A Abutment Diameter > Packing unit : 1 Multi Titanium Cylinder + 1 Multi Cylinder Screw. > For Screw, Cement or Screw-Cement Retained Prosthesis. > Connected with the Multi Cylinder Screw (2SMCS100). > Tightened with the 1.2 Hex Driver and Torque Wrench. > Tightening torque force : 20 > Packing unit: 1 Multi S Holder. > To position the Multi S Abutment more stably. Multi Cylinder Screw Height > Packing unit: 1 Multi A Holder. > To position the Multi A Abutment more stably. > Packing unit : 1 Multi Cylinder Screw. > Connected with the...

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 9

Prosthesis Procedure III Component Selection Guide for Straight Abutment Straight Abutment Cover Screw Healing Abutment Length [Cuff] > Packing unit : 1 Straight Abutment. > For Cement Retained Prosthesis. > Integrated with screw and abutment. > Tightened with the Shoulder Driver. > Tightening torque force : 20~25 > Direct impression. Shoulder Driver Height 016 INNO-SUB. NARROW IMPLANT > Packing unit : 1 Shoulder Driver. > To install the Straight Abutment.

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INNO Submerged Narrow Implant - 10

Cowellmedi Co.,Ltd Floor 6, Blue Fin Tower, 42, Seochojungang-ro,Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel. +82-2-3453-5085 Fax. +82-2-3453-5086 E-mail. Cowellmedi USA INC 218 Trianon LN Villanova PA 19085-1442 USA Tel. 1-623-939-1344 Fax. 1-623-939-1472 Cowell R&D Institute 48, Hakgam-daero 221beon-gil, Sasang-gu, Busan, 46986, Korea Tel. +82-51-314-2028 Fax. +82-51-314-2026

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