

Catalog excerpts

stypro - 1

Maxillofacial Surgery Spine dics Dentistry Trauma Maxillol Haemostypticum Absorbable and implantable elatine sponge ith hemostatic effect g w Resorbier- und implantierbarer elatineschwamm it hämostatischer Wirkung G m Scientific Information

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stypro - 2

About curasan curasan develops, manufactures and markets biomaterials and medical devices in the field of bone and tissue regeneration, wound healing and osteoarthritis therapy. As a pioneer and global technology leader in the growing field of regenerative medicine, curasan is specialized primarily on biomimetic bone grafting materials for dental, oral/maxillofacial, orthopedic and spinal applications. Numerous patents and a broad record of scientific publications demonstrate the clinical success of curasan´s highly innovative products. Dental and orthopaedic clinicians worldwide benefit...

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stypro - 4

1 | Properties  stypro® is a sterile, implantable, porcine gelatine sponge indicated for use in surgical procedures as an adjunct to haemostasis when control of capillary, venous and minor arteriolar bleeding by conventional procedures is ineffective or impractical. The sponge is prepared by foaming a porcine gelatine solution and subsequent drying. The resulting porous structure of stypro® has a high capacity to absorb blood corresponding to about 50 times of its own weight. stypro® is an absorbable, topical haemostatic medical device. The gelatine sponge accelerates clot formation by...

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stypro - 5

Scientific Information Wound healing process The wound healing process is subdivided into three steps: ++Inflammatory phase, characterised by platelet aggregation, blood coagulation and invasion of granulocytes, macrophages and leukocytes. ++Proliferative phase, characterised by invasion of fibroblasts, angiogenesis, fibroplasia, re-epithelialization and wound contraction. ++Remodeling phase, characterised by the production of collagen and matrix proteins to return to the pre-injury phenotype of the tissue. Moist wound healing has shown to obtain best results because most physiologic...

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stypro - 6

+ stypro® Tampon Main field of application is rectal surgery, especially haemorrhoidectomy. Subsequent to the surgical procedure the dry stypro® Tampon is applied by means of a proctoscope and fixed. The tampon possesses an opening providing the possibility to place a drain. Thus stypro® Tampon does not only act as a haemostatic device but also relieves pain. stypro® Tampon easily becomes soft, does not adhere to the wound surface and will be excreted spontaneously after 1-2 days. + stypro® Special Can be used in various fields of surgery, e.g. laparoscopy, spine and neurosurgery, to...

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stypro - 7

General and visceral surgery 4.4 + bleeding of venous capillaries + surgery on endocrine and exocrine glands + cholecystectomy, appendectomy + surgery of the gastrointestinal tract + anastomotic surgery + surgical treatment of fistulas + ulcerous syndromes, mastectomy + operations on lymphatic vessels and on diverticula + haemorrhoidectomy + surgical treatment of intra abdominal and visceral abscesses + removal of tumours + surgical treatment of cerebral thrombosis and cerebral and spinal tumours + dural replacement + laminectomy + surgical treatment for removal of painful neuromas +...

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stypro - 8

+ removal of arterial and venous obstructions + solving problems of aneurysms, + prevention of adhesion + surgical treatment of lymphatic cysts and fistulas + reconstructive vascular surgery + surgical treatment of arteriovenous fistulas + tonsillectomy + adenoidectomy + polypectomy and nodulectomy of the nose and vocal cords + reconstructive surgery for chronic otitis with suppuration + control of recurring nosebleeds + endolaryngeal surgery + treatment pharyngeal fistulas + tympanoplasty + surgical treatment of neuromas and neurinomas of the auditory apparatus + surgical treatment of...

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stypro - 9

+ myelomas and lymphomas + postoperative haemostasis in patients undergoing anticoagulant treatment + burns (degree II) + ulcers of the lower limbs + epitheliomas + haemorrhagic sarcomas + healing of wounds from dermabrasion + mammary Paget's carcinoma + surgical treatment of malignant melanomas + decubital ulcers + keratinous cysts + Ulcers from venous stasis + superficial and deep ulcers + ulcers from actinic wounds + diabetic and decubital ulcers + active control of bleeding wounds + capillary bleeding, blood loss from wounds in vascularised organs like kidney or liver + burns + diffuse...

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stypro - 10

Safety stypro® is a gelatine-sponge manufactured from porcine collagen (pigskin only). The origin of the pigskin used for the processing of gelatine and the manufacturing of stypro is well controlled and documented. The gelatine corresponds to the quality requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (EP). ++The cut and ready-packed pieces of stypro are sterilised by Gamma-irradiation. ++With respect to TSE-transmission material of porcine origin is not classified as risk material . The TSE-guidelines ® of the BfArM (German Drug and Medical Device Agency) are followed during the entire raw...

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stypro - 11

Scientific Information Specification stypro® is a sterile, resorbable gelatine sponge with a haemostatic effect. It is produced exclusively from pharmaceutical gelatine “type A” of porcine origin. The raw material is derived from strictly controlled pig-skin. The suppliers of the raw gelatine granulate are certified companies. The gelatine sponges are obtained from gelatine foam with an interconnective porosity. During the computer controlled drying process the contained water is carefully removed, converting the bubble-structure of the foam into an interconnective three-dimensional...

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stypro - 12

Mode of action Haemostasis is defined as the whole process of stanching blood whereas coagulation includes only the clotting of plasma with the formation of fibrin. Thus, there is a distinction between primary and secondary haemostasis. Primary haemostasis concerns the formation of the platelets into a reversible platelet aggregate after a tissue or vessel injury. It is induced by subendothelial collagen structures. However, a clot of thrombocytes alone is not able to form a stable seal of the defect. Secondary haemostasis concerns the coagulation cascade (see Fig. 4) and – via a series of...

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All Curasan catalogs and technical brochures

  1. GTR/GBR

    12 Pages