Dental Set Catalog


Catalog excerpts

Dental Set Catalog - 2

ACCESS, MOBILITY. TECHNOLOGY DABI ATLANTE INNOVATIONS LINE, ACCESO. MOVIUDAD. TECNOLOGIA. LINE A DE INNOVACIONES DABI ATLANTE. Dabi Atlante dental set are designed to meet your desires and needs, complementing your talent and offering comfort to patients. The care in every detail provides a rewarding user experience, with easy access to the operative field, intelligent mobility with resources always at hand. Los consultorios Dabi Atlonte son disefiados para otender sus deseos y necesidodes, compiementando su talento y ofreciendo comodidad a los pacientes. Lo innovation presente en cada...

Open the catalog to page 2
Dental Set Catalog - 3

Multiarticulate backrest with pneumatic lock DKxjueo neumo/Jco Soporto para piemas plegable Column Lift Column tifl Fluid level sensor Sensor do nivol do fiuidos fttnroAH flat Automatic movement Device with 6 terminals Comfort Point Comfort Poinl Heated triple syringe Jeringa triple cotiente y con Ifn

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Dental Set Catalog - 4

Access to the water tank Strong structured base with Integral Skin finish Base fuerle estructurada con acabado Integral Skin

Open the catalog to page 4
Dental Set Catalog - 5

Chair level regulator Foldable water unit 90' Regutacltn del ntvel de la sllla Un,dad de aaua »boftote «r Panel unit for electronic control Panel unload para comando eleclronlco Anti crushing system Slstema antloplastamlento Multifunction foot control -movements of me backrest and seal •spi'ling position shitt burton 3 pfogtommaOe work positions — ESTABIUDAD YINNOVACION

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Dental Set Catalog - 8

BENEFITS Diferencioles PDB - Pneumatic Drive Block Made in noble metal, it provides operation automatic functioning of the tip when removed from the holder and the progressive control pedal is pressed. BAN - Bloque de Accionamiento Neumdtico Fabrlcado en metal noble, otiece el funclonamlenlo de la punta automdtlcamente al ser retirada del soporte y acclonado el pedal de comando piogresivo. Water Lock Temporarily blocking the flow of water. keeping the operating procedures for the turbine in which water is unnecessary Chip Blower Blowing air through the handpiece. Emission of air flow with...

Open the catalog to page 8
Dental Set Catalog - 9

INTEGRATED BIOSAFETY BIOSEGURIDAD INTEGRADA B-SAFE. Nanotechnology present in all Dabi dental set. B-SAFE. Nanotecnologia presente en todos los consultorios Dabi B-SAFE is an advanced nanotechnology that acts as a powerful bactericide, because it avoids cross-contamination in your space and increases the safety of your office, continually eliminating bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Dabi production processes allow the B-SAFE nanotechnology to be present in the metal and plastic parts of the clinics, handpieces and prophylaxis. B-SAFE es una nanotecnologia avanzada que actua como...

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Dental Set Catalog - 10

SILLAS PARA CONSULTORIOS Integrated comfort and ergonomics Contort integrado con la ergonomta Dabi stools are designed for mobility and safety in the correct position to work, complementing your office and preserving your health and well-being. Made seamless for easy cleaning and disinfection, with five double casters that provide stability and custom height adjustment. All Dabi stools are protected with B-SAFE nanotechnology. Las sillas Dabi son disenados para ofrecer moviiidad y seguridad en la posicion ccrrecta para trabajar, complementando so consultorio y conservando su solud y...

Open the catalog to page 10
Dental Set Catalog - 11

Illustrative photos. Colors can be changed in the graphic representation. Dabi Attante reserves the right to moite changes n design and specifications are subject to approval by ANVISA to continue the impiovement of the same. Version February / 2015 Foios Bustratvca Los colcres pvoden froo«r xitrkte ccmbios en kj recoduccion gnVca DcCrf Atlanta » leser/a ael dotectKj (Jo toolbar ca/tibkx t*n ef UfetwJo y espec*Tcacijrw>5 fecrfcas nietMante fci ou1ofUoU6ii Oe ANVISA. para segjn con el pertecdonam/enfo eelmlsmc. Version Feb*eto/2Q\5

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All DABI ATLANTE catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Dental set

    7 Pages

  2. New Ida

    5 Pages

  3. Eagle

    10 Pages


    4 Pages

  5. Quickly

    4 Pages