Catalog excerpts

ABOUT US We are a genuinely Brazilian company present in the market since 1970, producing equipment for the medical, hospital, veterinary and dental sectors using the best engineering resources.
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Having as a basic principle the union of science and technology, Deltronix is proof of this compatibility, as there is a constant exchange of experiences between the company and its main users – the class of professionals in the health area. The merging of the field experience of these professionals with Deltronix high technology results in more efficient products that provide time optimization in surgical procedu
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OUR MISSION Produce high-tech solutions, saving and improving lives with healthcare professionals, always maintaining a standard of durability and safety.
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OUR VISION To be recognized as one of the main companies in the market, always maintaining a position of reference and quality for the consumer, continuing with our duty to assist in the maintenance of life, defending the environment.
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• Ethic and moral Economic, social and environmental sustainbility • Pioneering • Legal responsibility • Straightness in communication • Responsibility and commitment • Cordiality
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OUR PRODUCTS LINE Medical Equipment For high complexy surgery PRECISION Line For low and medium complexy surgery
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OUR PRODUCTS LINE Veterinary equipment For low and medium complexy surgery For high complexy surgery
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OUR PRODUCTS LINE acessories Handpiece Control Smoke evacuator
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OUR MANUFACTURE Deltronix has strict production regulations for its equipments, meeting international quality standards Each unit is tested on state-of-the-art computerized analyzers, resulting in products with high security and reliability. We are located in the city of Ribeirão Preto – SP Brazil
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FALE CONOSCO Comercial vendas@deltronix.com.br Export export@deltronix.com.br
Open the catalog to page 12All DELTRONIX MEDICAL DEVICES catalogs and technical brochures
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