Catalog excerpts

A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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DemeTECH Corporation is a world - renowned leader in Surgical Sutures DemeTECH’s Quality Certificates DemeTECH Corporation uses high quality stainless steel needles to ensure every suture maintains exceptional strength and ductility. Every lot of DemeTECH’s sutures passes through rigorous quality assurance testing receive the highest grade product. DemeTECH Corporation is a fully custom, made to order suture factory with the capability to manufacture millions of custom suture material combinations. DemeTECH can customize almost any product, giving the end users an enormous amount of...
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QUICK RELEASE It facilitates rapid separation of the suture needle The needle is held securely in holder. Suture is grasped securely just below needle, pulling strand taut. DemeTECH's DemeTRACK is available for: Monofilament Sutures Multifilament sutures Standard packaging Sutures less than 150cm Single thread sutures Double needle sutures DemeTRACK in Paper Pouch DemeTRACK reduces the memory effect observed on monofilament sutures. Peel pouch to open and transfer DemeTRACK to sterile field. Smoothly pull the suture out of the DemeTRACK The needle is released with a straight tug of the...
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Polytetrafluoroethylene Suture DemeTECH PTFE Surgical Steel Suture Silk Suture polyester Suture (Braided without covering) Polyester Suture (Braided) Nylon Suture (Multifilament) DemeLON MULTI Polypropylene Suture Nylon Suture (Monofilament) Chromic Catgut Suture Rapid Absorbable Suture Plain Catgut Suture DemeGUT PLAIN Polydioxanone Suture Green White Product Code (Example) Blunt Point Micropoint Spatula Curved Polyglycolic Acid Suture Micropoint Reverse Cutting CODE Taper Cutting Reverse Cutting Prime * Precision Cosmetic Standard Prime Reverse Cutting Needle Length Compound Curve...
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Tensile Strength^) Polyglycolic Acid DemeTech's PGA Sutures Sutures by DemeTech - Polyglycolic Acid suture is a synthetic, absorbable, sterile, surgical suture composed of 100% glycolide. The chemical formula of DemeTech's PGA is (C2H202)n. Clinical trials have shown that after two weeks, approximately 84% of DemeTech's PGA initial strength remained. At four weeks, approximately 23% of DemeTech's PGA linear tensile strength remained. Sutures by DemeTech -Polyglycolic Acid Suture has been found to be nonantigenic and elicit only mild tissue reactivity during the absorption process. •...
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Blunt Point 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Blunt Point Heavy 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Length Needle Code Needle Code Polyglycolic Acid “A Trusted Name in Medicine” Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length
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Polyglycolic Acid DemeSORB™ Micropoint Reverse Cutting 1/2 Circle (DOUBLE) DemeTECH “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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Polyglycolic Acid 16 Precision Point Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 1/2 Circle Needle Length Reverse Cutting 1/2 Circle ^ Needle Length Needle Length Reverse Cutting Heavy 1/2 Circle W Needle Length Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle W Needle Length Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Code Thread Length DemeTECH. “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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DemeSORB™ Polyglycolic Acid Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle “A Trusted Name in Medicine” Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle (DOUBLE) Reverse Cutting Straight Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length Needle Thread Code Color Length Round Bodied 1/2 Circle Q Needle Length
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Polyglycolic Acid DemeSORB™ Round Bodied 1/2 Circle “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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Polyglycolic Acid DemeSORB™ Round Bodied Heavy 1/2 Circle Q Round Bodied Heavy 1/2 Circle LOOP Q
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Polyglycolic Acid DemeSORB™ Round Bodied 5/8 Circle “A Trusted Name in Medicine” Taper Cutting 1/2 Circle
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DemeSORB™ Taper Cutting Heavy 1/2 Circle ® “A Trusted Name in Medicine” Polydioxanone Suture DemeTech's Polydioxanone suture is an absorbable, sterile, surgical suture composed of the polyester, poly (pdioxanone). DemeTech's Polydioxanone has been found to be nonantigenic and elicits only minimal tissue reactivity during the absorption process. Clinical trials have shown that after two weeks, approximately 75-80% of DemeTech's Polydioxanone initial strength remained. At four weeks, approximately 65-70% of DemeTech's Polydioxanone initial strength remained. At six weeks, approximately 55-60%...
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CC 3/8 Circle Blunt Point 1/2 Circle DemeTECH ® “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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DemeDlOX™ Polydioxanone Precision Cosmetic Standard Prime 3/8 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Precision Point Reverse Cutting 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Precision Point Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length
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DemeDlOX™ Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Round Bodied 1/2 Circle Polydioxanone Needle Length Needle Length Needle Code Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length Needle Length Thread Length Needle Length Needle Code Needle Code Needle Code Thread Length Thread Length Thread Length Needle Length Reverse Cutting Straight Needle Length Needle Code Needle Code Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length DemeTECH. “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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Polydioxanone Round Bodied 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 3/8 Circle (DOUBLE) Needle Length Needle Code Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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Taper Cutting 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Taper Cutting 1/2 Circle (DOUBLE) Needle Length Needle Code Taper Cutting Heavy 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Taper Cutting Heavy 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Thread Length Thread Length Needle Length Taper Cutting 3/8 Circle (DOUBLE) Needle Length Needle Code Thread Length Round Bodied PLUS 1/2 Circle Needle Length Needle Length Needle Code Needle Code Thread Length Thread Length “A Trusted Name in Medicine”
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