Catalog 2015
1 / 56Pages

Catalog excerpts

Catalog 2015 - 1

\ JMeeting and Exceeding the Needs of Veterinary Dentistry since 1988 .St/cat, Aire (sOmfrc: Diyiia/ Dd/ibt/,X- 7\ii> Si'<tcm. iiiu/fidfinite E/tii^meal j Sttjtf/ics

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Catalog 2015 - 2

Dentalaire has been providing our clients with quality products since 1988. Our friendly and dedicated staff understands the needs of today's veterinary practice and are eager to help. Our full line of products makes it easy to order and saves you time as well as money. Good people, great service and quality products is what we're all about. 17742 Mitchell North, Suite B • Irvine, CA 92614 The Single Source for All Your Dental Needs

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Catalog 2015 - 3

Limited Warranty DENTALAIRE warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship only. No other warranties are Air Compressors & Portable Dental Units All compressors and portable dental units including wall mounted and countertop dental units are warranted for one (1) year with the exception of the Prestige Dental station, which features an extended two year warranty. High Speed Turbines are warranted for six (6) months. High Speed & Low Speed Handpieces are warranted for one (1) year. Ultrasonic Scalers are warranted for two (2) years. Sonic Air Scaler Handpieces are...

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Catalog 2015 - 4

Hand Scaling Instruments Hand Scaling Instruments include scalers and curettes and may be classified as being universal or area-specific instruments. Selections of these instruments are needed for cleaning teeth and treating periodontal pockets. Scalers have a triangular cross-section and a sharp tip on the end of the blade, and are designed to be used supragingivally (above the gum line). Curettes have a curved back and blunt toe on the end of the blade, making them safe to use subgingivally (under the gum line). Additionally, scalers and curettes may be further classified as being universal...

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Catalog 2015 - 5

Gracey Curettes Gracey Curettes have only one cutting edge with is designed for deep subginival calculus, root planing and for curettage of the periodontal pocket. DTP11313 Diplomate Silk Gracey Curette #12/13 DTP113112 Diplomate Silk Gracey Curette #7/8 DTP11225 Gracey Curette #5/6 DTP11226 Gracey Curette #7/8 Double Ended Probes and Explorers Periodontal Probes and Explorers are detection instruments. The probe is used for measuring the depth of periodontal pockets. The explorer is used to detect calculus. DTP11324 Niemiec EXPRO, Color Coded DTP11316 - Diplomate Silk Mouth Mirror DTP10545...

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Catalog 2015 - 6

Winged Elevators Winged elevators were designed by Dr. Robert Wiggs DVM, AVDC. These elevators are very popular and can make extractions easier in both dogs and cats. The unique semi-circular blade shape adapts well to the curved surfaces of roots, allowing the instruments to be inserted into the periodontal ligament space. When the inserted instrument is rotated, winged elevators generate exceptional leverage between the tooth and surrounding bone. These instruments also fit well into narrow interdental spaces between the teeth. Winged elevators come in four styles: Original S/S (light...

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Catalog 2015 - 7

Winged Elevators cont’d Colored Elevators with Knurled Handles Standard length elevators with heavy knurled handles

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Catalog 2015 - 8

Elevators Straight Tip Elevators come with blades from 1mm-5mm wide which will cover all your needs except curved rooted teeth. SUPER SLIM tips are excellent for cats. MODIFIED TIPS are designed to guide it into the socket and cut the periodontal ligament. This prevents it from slipping out and causing damage to the gingival tissue. Makes elevation much easier. Modified Tip Regular Tip DTP10331SM - Feline Elevator w/V cut - Super Slim DTP10331 - Feline Elevator - Super Slim Serrated Elevators These Elevators come highly recommended by Dr. Peter Emily. The serrations help to keep you from...

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Catalog 2015 - 9

Luxators are specially designed with sharp edges for easy insertion into the sulcular space used to sever the gingival attachment DTP13101 - Diplomate Luxator Curved 1mm, Short Shank DTP13102 - Diplomate Luxator Curved 2mm, Short Shank DTP13103 - Diplomate Luxator Curved 3mm, Short Shank DTP13104 - Diplomate Luxator Curved 5mm, Short Shank DTP0730/3 - Luxator Bent Curve 3mm DTP0730/4 - Luxator Bent Curve 5mm MODIFIED TIPS - The single ended feline and canine levitators have a "V" cut into the end of the instrument. This helps guide the tip into the socket, thus preventing it from slipping,...

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Catalog 2015 - 10

Periosteal Elevators Periosteal Elevators are used to elevate the gingiva and mucosa away from the diseased pocket after an incision has been made with a scalpel on one or both sides of the pocket. This instrument is useful for both canine and feline patients and is an excellent all-around tool for raising flaps. The ends have a slight curved shape, which keeps the instrument on the surface of the bone and helps prevent tearing small, very delicate ends and is excellent for use in doing gum flaps in small dogs and cats. Both ends Scissors are useful in lenghtening and trimming the gingival...

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Catalog 2015 - 11

Extraction Forceps Small Extraction Forceps are excellent for grasping small teeth (especially in cats). All have spring action for easy manipulation. DTP10645S - Small Extracting Forceps (41/2") Beak tips are flat and dose completely. cats teeth. DTP20645 - Large Extracting Forceps (61/2") Useful for large canine teeth, DTP20379 - Fragment Forceps - Angular (5") Indespensible for broken root fragments and some small delicate teeth, such as incisors of cats. DTP13914 - Extraction Forceps with Right Angle (51/2") Excellent for small incisors DTP11305 - Tartar Remover Forceps - Small (41/2")...

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Catalog 2015 - 12

Diplomate Kits DENTALAI RE is very pleased to bring you Diplomate Approved Instrument Kits. DENTALAIRE enlisted the expertise of Veterinary Dental Diplomates to assist us in developing these specialized instrument kits. High quality instruments are available in an autoclavable stainless steel cassette. DIPLOMATE PERIO SURGERY KIT Part# Description DTP00216 Small Blade Curette-anterior DTP00217 Small Blade Curette-posterior DTP11313 Silk Gracey Currette #12/13 DTP113112 Silk Gracey Currette #7/8 DTP11315 Silk Jacquette Scaler #1115/33 DTP11316 Silk Mouth Mirror DTP11320 Silk Morse Scaler...

Open the catalog to page 12

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