Catalog excerpts

Small. Quick. Easy.
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The Dentaurum Group. Worldwide dental competence for more than 125 years.
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Quality is your demand and our expertise. Dental technology set standards. The Dentaurum Group develops, produces and sells products for dentists and dental technicians worldwide. The variety of products for dental technology, orthodontics and implantology is unique in the dental world. Dentaurum Implants, a manufacturer of implants, is a subsidiary of Dentaurum. Quality creates trust. As the oldest dental company in the world, we have worldwide experience with high-quality dental products. Our market success is based on consistent implementation of customer and market demands. This is why...
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The CITO mini® implant system. Polished gingival shoulder. Optimal soft tissue support. Crestal fine thread. Time-tested surface conditioning. Self-tapping thread. Hasan, C. Bourauel: Biomechanische Untersuchungen des I. Einflusses von Geometrievarianten des CITO mini® Implantats [Biomechanical analyses of the influence of CITO mini® implant geometry variations]; University of Bonn 2014.
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CITO mini® – the solution for patients and clinicians. Building on 20 years of experience in oral implantology, Dentaurum Implants has created the CITO mini® implant family. These small diameter implants are designed especially for patients with reduced bone availability. They can now be treated with implant-supported partial and total prostheses and benefit from the advantages. As many of these implant cases can be loaded immediately, patients can enjoy their new quality of life a lot sooner. Due to the possibility of transgingival insertion, the minimal invasive procedure and the fact...
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The CITO mini® implant. FEM-optimized implant shape and thread geometry for optimal load distribution.1 CITO mini® implant. The CITO mini® implant shape and the thread geometry were calculated using FEM analyses1. These tests show a uniform, gentle loading of the bone which prevents local overloading and stress peaks that could damage the bone. CITO mini® implants have a cylindrical-conical external geometry. The polished gingival shoulder provides optimal gingival contouring. The self-tapping thread and the thread pitch of the CITO mini® implants enable a quick and atraumatic implant...
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Surgical tray for CITO mini®. The instrument set of the surgical tray for CITO mini® provides maximum flexibility during implant site preparation while reducing the number of instruments. The drilling protocol for the CITO mini® instruments thus enables atraumatic, minimal invasive preparation specially tailored to the bone quality and individual regulation of the drilling depth for attaining the maximum primary stability of the implant with only one drill.
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Preparation protocol with CITO mini® preparation instruments. Taking into account different bone qualities. Adapt preparation protocol according to the indication and situation of each patient. The insertion of CITO mini® implants in soft bone is not indicated. Hard bone quality Medium bone quality
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Soft bone quality Medium bone quality Hard bone quality The insertion of CITO mini implants in soft bone is not indicated. The insertion depth / length of the drill depends on the desired primary stability and the bone quality. The depth markings / scaling help to avoid damaging neighboring structures (e.g. nerves) due to perforations that are too deep. Not intended for maxillary prosthe
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Surgical restoration possibilities and components. Surgical tray Surgical tray for CITO mini® Content: Marking drill entaGrip insertion key - ISO shank P Marking drill
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CITO mini® implant CITO mini® implant CITO mini® implant CITO mini® implant CITO mini® implant CITO mini® implant Prosthetics ball abutments REF 306-614-00 Ball head laboratory implant CITO mini® O-ring matrix 1 CITO mini® O-ring matrix 2 CITO mini® O-ring matrix 3 CITO mini® O-ring for matrix 1 CITO mini® O-ring for matrix 2 + 3 CITO mini® Accessories – Surgical prosthetics REF 387-511-00 Adapter – ISO shank hexagon / ratchet PentaGrip insertion key - ISO shank Torque ratchet with blocking function Demo implan
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Dentaurum Group Germany I Benelux I España I France I Italia I Switzerland I Australia I Canada I USA and in more than 130 countries worldwide. DENTAURUM QUALITY WORLDWIDE UNIQUE For more information on our products and services, please visit www.dentaurum.com Date of information: 03/16 Subject to modifications Turnstr. 31 I 75228 Ispringen I Germany I Phone + 49 72 31 / 803 - 0 I Fax + 49 72 31 / 803 - 295 www.dentaurum-implants.com I info@dentaurum-implants.com
Open the catalog to page 12All DENTAURUM catalogs and technical brochures
desktop compact Laser
12 Pages
Ortho-Cast M-Series
8 Pages
The complete ceramic system.
99 Pages
Prosthetics Catalog
429 Pages
Orthodontics Catalog
1 Pages
discovery® delight
12 Pages
cito mini
12 Pages
Archived catalogs
Product catalog no. 14
98 Pages
9 Pages
Product Catalog 2017.
128 Pages
Spot welding units
4 Pages
Ortho-Cast mini
3 Pages
discovery ® sl 2.0
8 Pages
discovery ®
5 Pages