Catalog excerpts

Instructions for the preparation of pliers and instruments These instructions apply to all Dentaurum pliers, instruments and rotary instruments that are approved for use on patients. These instructions comply with the requirements of EN ISO 17664 : 2018 and RKI (Robert-Koch Institute) guidelines.
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Mechanical cleaning and disinfection General requirements When using a disinfector, make sure: he efficacy of the disinfector has been certified (e.g. t Pliers and instruments must be cleaned, disinfected and if necessary, sterilized before each use. This also applies to DGHM or FDA approved and CE marking according to initial use following delivery. Pliers and instruments are normally delivered non-sterile (clean and disinfect following removal of the protective transport packaging; sterilize after packing). Efficient cleaning and disinfecting is essential for effective sterilization....
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Procedure O Dismantle the instruments as far as possible. © Place the disassembled, half-opened (hand-width) pliers and instruments in the disinfector. Pliers and instruments should not come into contact. © Start the program. © Remove the pliers and instruments from the disinfector at the end of the program. © Check and pack the instruments, immediately after removal if possible. © If the disinfector does not have an automatic drying program, leave the door of the unit slightly open to dry the instruments. Proof of basic suitability for effective automatic cleaning and disinfecting was...
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Pliers and instrument care Instrument oil should not be used if possible. If it has to be used, Only the following sterilization procedures should be used for sterilization. Other sterilization procedures are however, ensure that only instrument oils (white oil) that are unsuitable. Flash sterilization is not permitted. Other procedures that should not be used are: hot-air sterilization, approved for steam sterilization and have certified biocompatibility X-ray sterilization, formaldehyde or ethylene oxide sterilization or plasma sterilization. are used – taking into account the maximum...
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Following sterilization, pliers and instruments should be stored dry All rotary instruments can be reused up to 5 times. The operator bears responsibility for any further reuse or use and dust-free in the sterilization packaging. of damaged and/ or contaminated rotary instruments. Special instructions regarding Dentaurum pliers and instruments Pliers: nly condition in half-opened (hand-width) position (open o and close several times when conditioning) lean c Material resistance isinfect d fter each cleaning process, apply oil to plier jaws, locks, a sliding surfaces for springs and...
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Overview of pliers / instruments The overview contains all pliers and instruments approved for use on patients. The preparation instructions given should be adhered to, unless directed otherwise. Further information is included in the respective Instructions for use; refer to www.dentaurum.com, leaflets and Orthodontics catalog. Nance loop bending pliers Angle wire bending pliers, standard
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Special bracket debonding pliers, 45° angled Tweed loop forming pliers Tweed loop forming pliers Remove the insert for cleaning and disinfecting. Ligature cutter mini Crimping tweezers Blow dry the joint gap after conditioning (e.g. with compressed air gun). Oliver-Jones band removing pliers Remove the insert for cleaning and disinfecting. Molar band seater Do not use cleaning agents or disinfectants that contain solvents. Unscrew the head before cleaning and disinfecting. Molar band seater, plastic Do not use disinfectants that contain solvents. Scaler, double-ended Ligature cutter,...
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tomas®-torque ratchet Fully disassemble for cleaning and disinfecting. Sterilize fully assembled. References Further tips on the correct conditioning of pliers and instruments in the practice and laboratory are provided by the "Instrument Conditioning Research Group" in its yellow brochure. www.a-k-i.org Rotating instruments REF
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Dentaurum Group Germany I Benelux I España I France I Italia I Switzerland I Australia I Canada I USA and in more than 130 countries worldwide. DENTAURUM QUALITY WORLDWIDE UNIQUE Date of information: 11/18 Subject to modifications Turnstr. 31 I 75228 Ispringen I Germany I Phone + 49 72 31 / 803 - 0 I Fax + 49 72 31
Open the catalog to page 9All DENTAURUM catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
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Product Catalog 2017.
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discovery ® sl 2.0
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discovery ®
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