Catalog excerpts

Ceramics ■ CAD / CAM materials Crowns and bridges Implantology Partial denture Finishing Prosthetics Wires I Clasps Expansion screws Orthodontic acrylics Pliers I Instruments Equipment Knowledge Courses, webinars and events Service
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"He who ceases to want to improve, ceases to be good." Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Customer number Please enter your Dentaurum customer number here. For faster service, we kindly ask you to use your customer number when ordering.
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Dear Customer, In our current catalog, you will find the entire range of products from Dentaurum for dental prosthetics. This includes our zirconium oxide blank portfolio ceraMotion® Z which, together with our ceramic system ceraMotion® and paste ceramic system ceraMotion® One Touch, completes our product line for ceramics. Zirconium oxide is particularly suitable for high-standard prosthetic restorations due to its many possible uses, its biocompatibility and its visual shade matching ability. Proven materials are also included in the new Prosthetics catalog such as our high-quality...
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Dentaurum Germany I Benelux I España I France I Italia I Switzerland I Australia I Canada I USA and in more than 130 countries worldwide. Dental technologies that set standards. Dentaurum develops, produces and sells dental products and services worldwide. Dentaurum has played an active role in the dental sector for more than 137 years as an owner-managed family company with its headquarters in Ispringen (near Pforzheim, northern Black Forest), Germany. Experience Dentaurum by taking a virtual tour in a 360° perspective. There is a total of five 360° viewpoints which give you a fantastic ove
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Photo: © Christian Ferrari ®
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High-tech in-house. There is a high level of professional knowledge in our company that has been built up over the years in our own research and development facilities, both in Germany and in France. Highly qualified employees work together in interdisciplinary teams to find answers to the challenges the future poses. At the same time, long-standing co-operations with experts from universities and clinics contribute to finding new developments and innovations. A further result of these efforts: a comprehensive product portfolio which is one of Dentaurum's strengths. No other dental company...
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Dentaurum Online Shop. Order easily online. Your advantages: Detailed product information. Product availability is automatically checked. Individualized list of articles frequently ordered. Your terms and prices are displayed. Secure internet connection with SSL encryption. Determine the delivery date of your order. shop.dentaurum.de
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DENTAURUM DIGITAL Innovative order platform for patient-specific products and services. digital.dentaurum.de Order products and services for the individual patient quickly and easily. Products are manufactured to a high level of quality thanks to professional quality management and validated manufacturing processes as well as industry standard for machines and processes. Products available: ■ prime4me® Aligner: orthodontic aligner therapy from Dentaurum. ■ prime4me® model printing: base models and dental arch models for orthodontics. ■ prime4me® RETAIN3R: unique fit using a...
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Your direct contact. Chat with us. In the Chat function, you can correspond with our Customer Service employees in text form. Hello, we can answer your questions quickly and easily. Click on the chat symbol on our website, and simply send us your questions. We're happy to chat with you. Give it a try. We look forward to hearing from you!
Open the catalog to page 12
Ceramic in paste form 20 - 29 ceraMotion® One Touch No Limits 24 - 25 ceraMotion® One Touch Pink 26 - 27 ceraMotion® One Touch accessories 28 - 29 ceraMotion® LiSi - press ceramic 32 - 33 ceraMotion® - press ceramic, accessories 34 ceraMotion® Zr - zirconium oxide ceramic 38 - 57 ceraMotion® Me - metal ceramic 58 - 81 ceraMotion® Ti - titanium ceramic 82-100 ceraMotion® Lf - low-fusing ceramic 102-113 ceraMotion® - ceramics, accessories 114 -116 Zirconium oxide blanks 126 -131 Powder for laser melting 137 -138 Solders and welding wires 163 -166 Implantology tioLogic® TWINFIT - implant...
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Separating and grinding discs 236 - 238 Polishing tools and accessories 251 - 256 Standard expansion screws 286 - 288 Special expansion screws 289 - 301 Variety expansion screws 302 - 305 Orthocryl® / Single packs 323 - 324 Appliance containers and accessories 335 - 336
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Welding units and accessories 354 - 364 Casting unit and accessories 365 - 367 Surveying equipment and accessories 368 - 370 Model trimmer and accessories 373 Pressure vessel and suction unit 374 Online media library 384 - 385 Courses, webinars and events 392 -397 Overview of materials and alloys 400 Disclaimer / Image credits 425
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ceraMotion® One Touch Page 22 ceraMotion® LiSi - press ceramic Page 32 ceraMotion® - press ceramic, accessories Page 34 ceraMotion® Zr - zirconium oxide ceramic Page 38 ceraMotion® Me - metal ceramic Page 58 ceraMotion® Ti - titanium ceramic Page 82 ceraMotion® Lf - low-fusing ceramic Page 102 ceraMotion® - ceramics, accessories Page 114
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Photo: © Christian Ferrari® The complete ceramic system. ONLINE SHOP
Open the catalog to page 21
Ceramic in paste form /»fjf first cer^Mic in f>«ste. ceraMotion'5' One Touch is the first veneering ceramic in paste form. The 2D and 3D pastes have been specially developed for the quick and aesthetic finish of all-ceramic restorations made of lithium disilicate and zirconium oxide. Smart. What you see is what you get. Fast. All in one firing. Aesthetic. Natural translucency, opalescence and fluorescence.
Open the catalog to page 22
ceraMotion® 2D pastes. The small particle size in combination with the translucency of the masses helps optimize the color of the tooth, the brightness value and the in-depth effect of all-ceramic restorations. ■ The translucency of the 2D pastes maintains the light dynamics. ■ The fl uorescence of the pastes was adapted to lend a natural appearance also to all-ceramic restorations. ■ Maximum aesthetics thanks to color-coordinated pastes with 3D effect. ceraMotion® 3D pastes. ■ By joining slightly larger ceramic particles with a thixotropic paste, it is possible to shape the incisal area,...
Open the catalog to page 23All DENTAURUM catalogs and technical brochures
desktop compact Laser
12 Pages
Ortho-Cast M-Series
8 Pages
The complete ceramic system.
99 Pages
Orthodontics Catalog
1 Pages
discovery® delight
12 Pages
cito mini
12 Pages
Archived catalogs
Product catalog no. 14
98 Pages
9 Pages
Product Catalog 2017.
128 Pages
Spot welding units
4 Pages
Ortho-Cast mini
3 Pages
discovery ® sl 2.0
8 Pages
discovery ®
5 Pages
CITO mini ®
12 Pages