Spot welding units
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Spot welding units - 1

Spot welding units

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Spot welding units - 2

■ 2 settings for adjusting the welding energy ■ 1 fixed soldering stage, no continuous soldering ■ toggle switch for operating mode ■ connection for hand electrode ■ connection for foot switch Power voltage ■ 6 settings for adjusting the welding energy ■ 2 soldering stages, button for continuous soldering ■ LED display ■ automatic voltage detection (110 - 240 V) ■ current limitation if electrode is incorrect ■ power saving device (stand-by mode if not used for 10 minutes) ■ error indications for: - overheating - check the electrodes connection for hand electrode ■ connection for foot switch...

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Spot welding units - 3

ACCESSORIES* Version ■ infinite power adjustment in all modes ■ button for continuous soldering ■ LCD-display with 5 language settings ■ automatic voltage detection (110- 240 V) ■ current limitation if electrode is incorrect ■ power saving device (stand-by mode if not used for 10 minutes) ■ error indications for: - overheating - mix-up of electrodes - system problems ■ printer connection e.g. for welding report as patient documentation ■ connection for hand electrode Soldering carbon for hand electrode Suitable for all Dentaurum spot welding units. • copper casing REF 081-601-00 1 piece...

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Spot welding units - 4

DENTAURUM QUALITY WORLDWIDE UNIQUE O For more information on our products and services, please visit Date of information: 09/17 Subject to modifications _DENTAURUM Turnstr. 31 I 75228 Ispringen I Germany I Phone + 49 72 31/ 803 - 0 I Fax + 49 72 31/ 803 - 295 I

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