Catalog excerpts

Astra Tech Implant System® Product catalog OsseoSpeed® TX
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Astra Tech Implant System® 4 Impression & laboratory components, implant level 18 Direct Abutment API™ 19 Impression & laboratory components, abutment level 24 Attachment-retained restorations 26 Locator™ abutments 27 Single Patient drills 37 Drilling equipment & accessories 41 Repair and retrieval instruments 47 Remove/retrieve screw fragments 49 Clean internal threads 50 Explanation of the symbols on labels and instructions for use 54 * Some products in this catalog are marked ”EV”. These particular products are compatible with OsseoSpeed TX. All products...
Open the catalog to page 3
Easy to choose and easy to use The Astra Tech Implant System is simple and reliable: a minimum of components with maximum flexibility. You can use it for all indications and all positions in the mouth. It is ideal for both one-stage and two-stage surgery and it is also suitable for immediate and early loading. The restorative options cover cement-, screw- and attachment-retained solutions. Easy implant installation—simply pick up and install The color coded Implant Driver makes implant installation quick, easy and efficient. Minimum of components with maximum flexibility —one connection,...
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Cement-retained Temporary abutments Temporary Abutment 3.0 Atlantis® abutment Patient-specific abutment www.atlantisabutment.com Implant impressions Implant Pick-up 3.0 Non-indexed abutments and components (NI). Indexed abutments and components. Guide pins Cover screws Healing abutments Replicas Implant Replica 3.0 Lab abutment screws Lab Abutment Screw Design 3.0
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Product overview 3.5/4.0 Aqua Indexed abutments and components. Temporary abutments TempDesign™ 3.5/4.0 Non-indexed abutments and components (NI). Patient-specific abutments Healing caps 20° ProHeal Cap woTj 0 4.3 24162 Angled Abutment Atlantis® suprastructures Attachment-retained Abutments Ball Abutment 3.5/4.0 Abutment impressions Ball Abutment Pick-up Locator™ Abutment
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Implant impressions Implant Pick-up 3.5/4.0 Direct Abutment API™ 3.5/4.0 Guide pins Lab Abutment Screw Design 3.5/4.0 Short 24959 Long 24960 Short Long NI Short NI Long Abutment impressions 20° UniAbutment Pick-up Guide pins Angled Abutment Replica Temporary Cylinder Uni Angled Semi-Burnout Cylinder Uni Angled Burnout Cylinder Uni Angled Titanium Cylinder Uni Angled Bridge Screw Lab abutment screws angled Lab Abutment Screw Angled M1.6 Lab bridge screws Hex and Slot Replicas Ball Abutment Replica Cylinders Semi-Burnout Cylinder Uni 20° Bridge screws Angled Abutment Pick-up Temporary...
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Temporary abutments Atlantis® abutments Indexed abutments and components. Ø 4.5 1 mm 25015 NI Ø 4.5 1 mm 25016 Patient-specific abutments Non-indexed abutments and components (NI). Screw-retained Implants OsseoSpeed® TX 4.5 Cover screws Healing abutments Atlantis® suprastructures Attachment-retained Abutments Healing caps Abutment impressions Ball Abutment Pick-up
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Implant impressions Direct Abutment API™ 4.5/5.0 Guide pins Lab Abutment Screw Design 4.5/5.0 Short Long NI Short NI Long Abutment impressions 20° UniAbutment Pick-up Guide pins Angled Abutment Replica Cylinders Semi-Burnout Cylinder Uni 20° Temporary Cylinder Uni Angled Semi-Burnout Cylinder Uni Angled Burnout Cylinder Uni Angled Titanium Cylinder Uni Angled Bridge Screw Lab abutment screws angled 24254 Bridge screws Angled Abutment Pick-up Temporary cylinders Lab Abutment Screw Angled M2 Lab bridge screws Hex and Slot Replicas Ball Abutment Replica Attachment components Locator™ Abutment...
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SHORT FACTS X-Small connection - Yellow: Implant diameter 3.0 Small connection - Aqua: Implant diameters 3.5 and 4.0. Large connection - Lilac: Implant diameters 4.5 and 5.0. Implants for all indications in both the anterior and posterior region. For indication details - see Instructions for use or Surgical procedures manual. All our implants are made of commercially pure titanium, grade 4. OsseoSpeed surface treatment over the entire implant to the top of the first MicroThread. S = Straight implant design OsseoSpeed® TX 3.0 S Titanium, Sterile OsseoSpeed, with a...
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Surgical components Implants - OsseoSpeed® TX OsseoSpeed® TX 4.5 Titanium, Sterile OsseoSpeed, with a TiO2-blasted fluoride-modified surface. MicroThread neck. Conical Seal Design connection. Internal double hexagon. 0 4.5/3.5 mm Internal thread M2 OsseoSpeed® TX 5.0 Titanium, Sterile OsseoSpeed, with a TiO2-blasted fluoride-modified surface. MicroThread neck. Conical Seal Design connection. Internal double hexagon. 0 5.0/4.0 mm Internal thread M2 OsseoSpeed® TX 5.0 S Titanium, Sterile OsseoSpeed, with a TiO2-blasted fluoride-modified surface. MicroThread neck. Conical Seal Design...
Open the catalog to page 11
Soft Tissue Healing Cover screws & Healing abutments Cover Screw 3.0 Titanium, Sterile Used to cover the implant connection during healing. Cover Screw 3.5/4.0 Titanium, Sterile Used to cover the implant connection during healing. SHORT FACTS Recommended torque - Manual. Only light fingerforce (5-10 Ncm) using a manual hex screwdriver. Do not use a Ratchet or Torque Wrench. Cover Screw 4.5/5.0 Cover Screw 4.5/5.0 Titanium, Sterile Used to cover the implant connection during healing. 0 mm 3.9 4.6 SHORT FACTS Recommended torque - Manual. Only light fingerforce (5-10 Ncm) using a...
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Soft Tissue Healing Healing abutments SHORT FACTS Recommended torque - Manual. Only light fingerforce (5-10 Ncm) using a manual hex screwdriver. Do not use a Ratchet or Torque Wrench. Marked with lines to identify connection size. 3.0 - marked with 1 line. 3.5/4.0 - marked with 2 lines. 4.5/5.0 - marked with 3 lines. Marked with digits to identify diameter (0) and height. Healing Abutment 3.0 Titanium, Sterile Healing Abutment 4.5/5.0 Titanium, Sterile Healing Abutment 3.5/4.0 Titanium, Sterile
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Soft Tissue Healing & temporary abutments Temporary abutments TempDesign™ 3.5/4.0 Base: Titanium Cylinder: Plastic Includes Abutment Screw Design 3.5/4.0 - M1.6, Order no. 24449 (Titanium) NI = Non Indexed TempDesign™ 4.5/5.0 Base: Titanium Cylinder: Plastic Includes Abutment Screw Design 4.5/5.0 - M2, Order no. 24209 (Titanium) Temporary Abutment 3.0 Titanium Temporary Abutment 3.0 Includes Abutment Screw 3.0 - M1.4, Order no. 24189 (Titanium) Temporary Abutment 3.5/4.0 Titanium Temporary Abutment 3.5/4.0 Includes Abutment Screw Design 3.5/4.0 - M1.6, Order no. 24449 (Titanium) NI = Non...
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