Catalog excerpts

Guiding Perfection
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Computer-guided implantology: Minimum risk, maximum success Every implantation should be carried out smoothly, irrespective of the complexity of the case. ExpertEaseTM gives you predictable results for dependable success with the maximum of convenience – for you and your patients. Benefits at a glance T he 3-D scan enables elucidation and transparency before the treatment P redictable results O ptimal communication with the patient, referrers and dental laboratory A ccurate cost control Shorter treatment times F ewer postoperative discomfort (e.g. pains or swellings) Temporary restorations...
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Optimal preparation: The key to predictable success ExpertEaseTM 3-D Planning Software A comprehensive diagnosis is the key to implant success. The ExpertEaseTM 3-D Software gives you a complete picture of the patient’s anatomy with its axial, cross-sectional, panoramic and 3-D views of the CT/CBCT data. The software takes you step-by-step through planning, enabling you to determine dependably and precisely the implant positions, taking into account all anatomical structures. T he not implant-specific ExpertEaseTM Software ensures maximum cost-effectiveness. C T/CBCT imaging with a scan...
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Precise implementation: A reason to go further in every case ExpertEaseTM Guide With the custom-made ExpertEaseTM Guides, you to transfer the results of the planning process into the patient’s mouth accurately with the custom-made ExpertEaseTM Guides. Due to the unique lateral access, only ExpertEaseTM Guides en able a highly comfortable operation even where space is restricted. You extend your range of indications, increasing at the same time patient compliance and loyalty. Lateral Access S tereolithographic manufacture ensures precision in sub-millimeter range: implant site...
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Exact actions: Unerring with perfect technique ExpertEase™ Sleeve-on-Drill™ Instruments All components of the ExpertEase™ System are perfectly matched with each other. This simplifies the process of computer-guided implantation, without sacrificing precision and safety. The drills specially developed by DENTSPLY Implants with the sleeve fixed on the instrument guarantee ease of use. Precise guidance through the drill guide is effected from tissue punch to implant placement. i! II ili 'ii' II 11' M*ll»iif utili >u III ill mill .11* M ill III 'il II Ji ill I ii 11 ill* lh 111 Hi, 11 I'." ' i1...
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Manufacturer: www.dentsplyimplants.com Manufacturer ExpertEaseTM Software and ExpertEaseTM Guide: Materialise Dental NV · Technologielaan 15 · 3001 Leuven · Belgium Some products may not be available in all countries. Please contact your DENTSPLY Implants representative to obtain up to date information on the product range and on availability.
Open the catalog to page 6All DENTSPLY Implants GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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XIVE Product Catalog
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ANKYLOS® Product Catalog
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Implantology Unlimited
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