Cavity Access Set
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Catalog excerpts

Cavity Access Set - 1

Cavity Access Set EN DENTAL USE ONLY ENDODONTIC ACCESS PREPARATION: DIRECTIONS FOR USE 1) INDICATION FOR USE These products have to be used only in hospital environments, clinics or dental offices by qualified dental person. Application field: A set of rotary cutting instruments utilized for initiating, progressively expanding and then finishing the endodontic access preparation. Complete access improves diagnostic, root canal treatment or retreatment success. Objectives The access cavity should be prepared so that, when present, all restorative materials and tooth structure, including the entire pulpal roof, are removed. The axial walls are extended laterally such that the orifice(s) are just within this outline pattern. Access objectives are confirmed when all the orifices can be visualized without moving the mouth mirror. 3) WARNINGS • The instruments should not be totally immersed in 5 % sodium hypochlorite for a period exceeding 5 minutes; • The instruments utilized should not be immersed for more than 15 minutes in a decontamination tray. 4) PRECAUTIONS • Carefully review different horizontally angulated radiographs to observe the relationship between the clinical crown and the underlying roots. Try to visualize the size and depth of the pulp chamber and if stones are present; • Auxiliary magnification and lighting devices, such as the dental operating microscope, promote safe, efficient and predictably successful treatment; • Use new burs, and when appropriate, with a water spray to improve tactile control, decrease heat build-up and the potential for clinical mishaps; • Use a fulcrum when cutting to avoid skipping and procedural accidents; • The longer length carbide round burs may be used as side cutting instruments when there is narrow intra-occlusal space; • Use the long tapered diamond bur (Cavity Access Set) or the Endo-Z (Cavity Access Z Set) to flatten, wippen and finish the internal axial walls. The abrasively coated rounded tip of the tapered diamond bur enables you to precisely finish the pulpal floor too; • Use the X-Gates, with a brushing action on the withdrawal stroke, to intentionally relocate the canal away from furcal danger.

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Cavity Access Set - 2

5) ADVERSE REACTIONS A lack of judgment, anatomical knowledge or clinical training or the improper use of any rotary cutting instrument may contribute to iatrogenic dentistry. 6) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS Predictably successful endodontic treatment starts with complete access. There is an old expression „start with the end in mind“. Visualize complete access and select the appropriate rotary instrument for each step-by-step procedure to improve diagnostic, treatment or retreatment success. 6.1) Rotary Instrument Selection Carefully inspect the tooth to be endodontically treated to determine...

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Cavity Access Set - 3

6.6) Flaring and Intentionally Relocating the Orifice Use the X-Gates with a brush-cutting action, at 500-800 rpm, to flare and blend the orifice into the lateral axial walls. Importantly, the shaft of the X-Gates should be arced so the cutting flutes selectively cut dentin on the outstroke and to intentionally relocate the canal away from an external root concavity. 7) DISINFECTION, CLEANING AND STERILIZATION Reprocessing procedure for dental instruments. I - FOREWORD For hygiene and sanitary safety purposes, all instruments must be cleaned, disinfected and sterilized before each usage to...

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Cavity Access Set - 4

C. Exclusion • Equipment such as Motors, Apex locators and other devices with reprocessing procedures included in the individual Direction for Use. • MTA, Glyde, TopSeal, Paper Points, Rubber Dam. III - GENERAL RECOMMENDATION 1) Use only a disinfecting solution which is approved for its efficacy (VAH/DGHM-listing, CE marking, FDA approval) and in accordance with the DFU of the disinfecting solution manufacturer. For all metal instruments, it is recommended to use anticorrosion disinfecting and cleaning agents. 2) For your own safety, please wear personal protective equipment (gloves,...

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Cavity Access Set - 6

B. Filling material and calcinable plastic posts

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Cavity Access Set - 7

Maillefer Instruments Holding Sarl Chemin du Verger, 3 CH-1338 Ballaigues Switzerland

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