Catalog excerpts

C AD / C AM SYSTEMS | INSTRUMENTS | HYGIENE SYSTEMS | TREATMENT CENTERS | IMAGING SYSTEMS NEW inLab SW 4.0 Successful digital solutions for dental laboratories inLab – totally convincing, completely CAD/CAM.
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The inLab system: your passport to future success. Defining features of the inLab system: The digitalization of dental laboratories is progressing at a rapid pace. The inLab system enables you to respond to these developments, flexibly and actively. Regardless of whether you are a newcomer or an experienced user, this seamless CAD/CAM system opens up a complete spectrum of possibilities for modern, computer-aided dental restorations. The new user-friendly inLab software delivers quick and reliable results. In combination with Sirona Connect (our digital impression portal) and the highly...
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Contents Indications inLab SW 4.0 Sirona Connect inEos Blue inLab MC XL infiniDent inFire HTC speed Materials Page 06 Page 08 Page 16 Page 18 Page 20 Page 24 Page 26 Page 28 Digital, seamless, logically conceived – and always with extra options available. inLab is the first choice if you want to streamline the digital workflow in your dental laboratory. Thanks to inLab, you can receive and process digital impressions acquired by dental practices. Additionally, you can provide a complete spectrum of in-house production services – cost-effectively and independently. The perfectly modular...
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Indications supported by inLab Onlays/inlays ■■ ■■ Natural occlusal surface reconstruction on the basis of the residual tooth tissue Materials: silicate ceramics Full crowns ■■ ■■ Natural reconstruction on the basis of the occlusal and lateral surfaces of any given intact tooth Materials: silicate ceramics and translucent zirconium oxide Veneers ■■ ■■ ■■ Ultra-thin veneers (minimum thickness: 300 μm) Copying and lateral inversion of tooth morphologies from one quadrant to another Material: polychromatic ceramic blocks for a natural layered effect (enameldentine-cervix) Crown copings and...
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Seamless workflow Scanning, designing, milling – the new inLab SW 4.0 unites all the processing steps within a single program. The software works seamlessly together with the inEos Blue scanner and the inLab MC XL milling unit. It also enables you to import and process digital impressions. inLab SW 4.0 Direct modification of the virtual tooth The innovative user interface speeds up the selection of the design tools and minimizes the number of mouse movements. Changes to the virtual restoration are immediately visible on the screen. inLab SW 4.0 – more possibilities, greater flexibility. The...
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inLab SW 4.0 Unique and patient-specific: biogeneric. The inLab SW 4.0 includes an unique biogeneric design tool which enables you to reconstruct natural occlusal surfaces for a complete range of restorations (inlays, onlays, veneers, partial/full crowns, anatomically sized crowns) with just a few mouse clicks. The biogeneric reconstruction method analyzes the patient‘s intact tooth surface as a basis for computing the occlusal morphology. This eliminates the time-consuming adaptation of standard teeth and leads to more reliable results. The benefits of biogeneric: EASY TO USE ■■ ■■ In the...
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aesthetic implants. There is a growing demand by dentists and patients for highly aesthetic implant-borne prostheses. The proven CAD/CAM fabrication of zirconium oxide abutments with inLab offers you the possibility to fulfill patient requests for individual, natural tooth-colored full ceramic restorations on implants. The inLab SW 4.0 delivers the highest levels of reliability Precise acquisition of the implant situation (including additional information about the gingiva) with the aid of the inEos Blue scanner Optimal alignment of the restoration in relation to the implant axis; colored...
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Special solutions The latest version of the inLab software allows an extended range of design applications. In addition, the software permits you to receive, process and transmit data via open NEW: Attachments Multilayer: Simultaneous design of frameworks and veneers Open interfaces offering greater OPEN inEos Blue i Export of inEos Blue scan data in open STL format for processing in other CAD/CAM systems OPEN Model ■ Export of inLab model design data in open STL format OPEN inLab ■ Export of inLab restoration data - including digital impressions from Sirona Connect - in standard STL format...
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The digital impressions benefits: Sirona Connect Digital impressions for dental practices and laboratories. FUTURE-ORIENTED REQUIREMENTS ■■ ■■ ■■ Innovative dental technology Efficient laboratory integration Reduced costs through digital workflow NEW CUSTOMER ACQUISITION ■■ ■■ ■■ Increased patient comfort Flexible order handling Promoted high-tech image Reliability ■■ ■■ ■■ High precision T ime saving I mproved infection control No other CAD/CAM system offers so many possibilities for achieving a seamless digital workflow as inLab. The Sirona Connect portal creates the basis for...
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inEos Blue inEos Blue: precision, speed and control. Maximum control and flexibility The inEos Blue gives you complete control over the entire scanning process. You are free to define which particular areas of the model you want to scan. Via the image catalogue you can see at a glance which portions of the model have been fully captured – and those which have not. Speed and efficiency Scanning and computing are particularly fast. With its short scanning time and autocapture function, the inEos Blue provides you with a clear time advantage, even with difficult preparations. The attractive...
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inLab MCXL The inLab MC XL caters to a wide range of production tasks in your dental lab. You will benefit from its high speed, precision, large milling volume and outstanding versatility. The inLab MC XL not only expands your range of clinical indications, but also significantly increases your productivity. Fast, precise, economical: ■ Broad selection of materials High-quality materials for all ceramic indications For example, it takes just 40 minutes to complete a four-unit zirconium oxide bridge ■ Large milling capacity Mills restorations up to 12 units and ceramic blocks measuring 85 x...
Open the catalog to page 11All Dentsply Sirona catalogs and technical brochures
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T4 instrument series
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Atlantis cement-retained
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Order form inCoris Blocs
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CEREC Zirconia Blocs
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inCoris Blocs
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Zirconia, simply faster
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The 2D X-Ray Family
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3D X-Ray Family
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Brochure INTEGO
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The 3D x-ray family
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inLab 2014. Product Catalogue
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Sirona Connect.
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pdf SIROLaser Advance
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Sirona CAD/CAM materials
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Treatment unit C8+
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SIROLaser Brochure
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Perioscan brochure
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Inlab System
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Sirona General Catalogue
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Archived catalogs
Info File Infection Control
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