Catalog excerpts

C A D / C A M S Y S T EM S | I N S T RU M EN T S | H YG I EN E S Y S T EM S | T R E AT M EN T CEN T ER S | I M AG I N G S Y S T EM S C A D / C A M came r as . M ade t o i n s p i r e cerec Omnicam and cerec Bluecam. The first choice in every case.
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Powder-free digital scanning in full color CEREC Omnicam: scanning simplicity. Unrivalled handling, powder-free scanning and precise 3D impressions in natural color. Taking CEREC Omnicam optical impressions is easy, intuitive and ergonomic. The natural color appearance will not only impress your patients.
Open the catalog to page 2
CEREC Omnicam Scanning simplicity – the details. Powder-free scanning CEREC Omnicam is optimized for powder-free scanning of natural tooth structures and gingiva. Simply place the camera over the relevant area and the scan starts automatically. The elimination of the powder coating means that the scanning process is easier to learn. Full-arch and halfarch scans can now be performed more conveniently and quickly than ever before. Unrivalled handling benefits Perfect access CEREC Omnicam fits perfectly into the user’s hand. Thanks to the slimline design and the compact camera tip, scanning...
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Blue light delivers precise digital impressions CEREC bluecam: the proven performer. Easy operation, tried-and-tested Bluecam technology and rapid single image acquisition. With the aid of CEREC Bluecam you can scan powdered tooth surfaces in just a few seconds. This camera delivers outstanding precision and efficiency, particularly suitable for single-tooth restorations. 02 | 07
Open the catalog to page 4
CEREC Bluecam The proven scanning solution – the details. Simple Automatic image capture CEREC Bluecam acquires a series of single images which are then computed with great precision in order to create a virtual 3D model. The camera automatically detects the right moment to trigger the exposure. Shake-free images The short capture time of CEREC Bluecam prevents any blurring. In addition, the built-in shake detection system ensures that images are acquired only when the camera is held absolutely still. The CEREC software then automatically selects the optimum image data for the 3D model....
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Acquiring digital impressions with the CEREC Omnicam and the CEREC Bluecam More than just a subjective point of view. Sirona’s CAD/CAM camera expertise. Improving on the optimum is a difficult task. With the launch of the CEREC Omnicam Sirona has not only extended its camera portfolio but at the same time asserted its leadership in the digital impression sector. Dentists can choose between two top camera systems on the market – each offers its own unique user benefits. Both cameras are remarkable for their outstanding user-friendliness, precision and clinical performance. Above all, they...
Open the catalog to page 6
Comparison between CEREC Omnicam and CEREC Bluecam. Feature CEREC Omnicam CEREC Bluecam Imaging technique Continuous color imaging Continuous data acquisition generates a 3D model. Single image acquisition A few single images are combined to create a 3D model. Area of application Single tooth, quadrant, full jaw. Powder-free is particularly advantageous the larger the scanning area. Single tooth, quadrant (full jaw possible). Dimensions Overall length: 228 mm Length of the camera sleeve: 108 mm Height and width of the tip: 16 mm Overall length: 206 mm Length of the camera tip: 86 mm Height...
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Sirona – unique worldwide systems expertise in dental equipment products Sirona develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of dental equipment, including CAD/CAM Systems for dental practices (CEREC) and laboratories (inLab), Instruments and Hygiene Systems, Treatment Centers and Imaging Systems. Sirona manufactures high technology products that guarantee ease of use and a high return on investment – for the good of your practice and for the benefit of your patients. In this way, you can approach every challenge you face with confidence. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. Be part of our...
Open the catalog to page 8All Dentsply Sirona catalogs and technical brochures
SiroLaser Blue
7 Pages
SiroLaser Advance Plus
7 Pages
T4 instrument series
4 Pages
T1, T2 and T3
13 Pages
Atlantis cement-retained
6 Pages
17 Pages
Sirona Hub
4 Pages
3 Pages
112 Pages
Narrow implants
1 Pages
inCoris CC blocks
1 Pages
Order form inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
CEREC Zirconia Blocs
1 Pages
inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
Zirconia, simply faster
2 Pages
The 2D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
3D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
11 Pages
Brochure INTEGO
13 Pages
The 3D x-ray family
11 Pages
inLab 2014. Product Catalogue
22 Pages
Sirona Connect.
13 Pages
pdf SIROLaser Advance
12 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Sirona CAD/CAM materials
6 Pages
15 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
7 Pages
10 Pages
5 Pages
11 Pages
17 Pages
Treatment unit C8+
6 Pages
8 Pages
5 Pages
3 Pages
12 Pages
SIROLaser Brochure
5 Pages
Perioscan brochure
7 Pages
Inlab System
5 Pages
Sirona General Catalogue
20 Pages
25 Pages
Archived catalogs
Info File Infection Control
21 Pages