Catalog excerpts

CAD /CAM Systems | Instruments | Hygiene systems | treatment centers | imaging SYSTEMs C3 + /C4 + /C5 + – The Comfort of Personal Treatment Adding quality to your working day. SIRONA – UNIQUE WORLDWIDE SYSTEMS EXPERTISE IN DENTAL EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS Sirona develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of dental equipment, including CAD/CAM Systems for dental practices (CEREC) and laboratories (inLab), Instruments and Hygiene Systems, Treatment Centers and Imaging Systems. Sirona manufactures high technology products that guarantee ease of use and a high return on investment – for the good of your practice and for the benefit of your patients. In this way, you can approach every challenge that you face, confident in the knowledge that: Enjoy every day. With Sirona. Subject to technical changes and errors in the text, Order.-No. A91100-M41-A840-01-7600, Printed in Germany, Dispo-Nr. 4023/22795, JP11-47 WS 03113.5V3 C AD / C AM Systems | Instruments | Hygiene systems | tre atment centers | imaging SYSTEMs Sirona Dental Systems · Fabrikstraße 31 · 64625 Bensheim · Germany E-Mail: contact@sirona.de · www.sirona.com T h e D e n t a l C o m p a n y T h e D e n t a l C o m p a n y
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Forward-looking concept For all those who think about the future. You are your practice’s most important asset and maintaining your health is vital – our aim is to design our treatment centres for your ergonomic needs and to promote sustained well-being. We therefore devote our attention to user-friendliness, flexible configuration, quality, technical innovation, modern design and value for money. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. 02 | 03
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Customised convenience Flexible design concepts provide you with a wide range of treatment options – all with proven ergonomics. A relaxed practice team is the ideal basis for an efficient workflow. You can now actively shape your working environment. Thanks to their compact dimensions, our C+ products deliver clear ergonomic benefits, even in compact treatment rooms. These multifunctional treatment centres cater for two-handed and four-handed configurations as well as preventive care applications. Regardless of whether you are in the start-up phase or are re-equipping an existing practice,...
Open the catalog to page 3
The Sirona Ergonomics RANGE Ergonomics should not be left to chance. An intuitive sitting position, comfortable patient positioning and optimum visibility play a pivotal role in reducing strain and fatigue. Taking the latest scientific findings into account, we have refined our Sirona Ergonomics range and optimised the user-friendly features of our C3+, C4+ and C5+ treatment centres. 1| 2| Intuitive sitting position Perfect results 3| User interface Thanks to the redesigned user interface, all the key functions are now at your fingertips. The handpiece speed/power settings are adjustable at...
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Optimal workflow Ergonomics is not a luxury but an economic necessity. The user-friendly features of the C3+, C4+ and C5+ not only eliminate unhealthy fatigue symptoms, but also promote an optimum workflow. Each model is based on a proven ergonomic concept. C3+ – the unit with whip-arm hose supports The C3+ is the ideal choice for dentists who favour the Continental delivery system and/or prefer to work on their own. The flexible whip arms have an additional link for an extended operating radius. C4+ – the sliding track unit Ideal for two-handed or four-handed treatment, the C4+ provides...
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Enhanced comfort for patients The ideal patient is a relaxed patient. Make sure that your patients feel as comfortable as possible. Thanks to the ErgoMotion system, the thermo upholstery and the anatomically designed headrests, you’ll be uniquely placed to enhance the well-being of your patients – and to achieve optimum treatment outcomes. ErgoMotion The synchronised movements of the backrest and the seat cushion ensure that the patient doesn’t feel stretched or squashed when the chair is repositioned. As the patient’s head always remains in the same place, it’s not necessary to readjust...
Open the catalog to page 6
Handpiece and patient communication functions Your new treatment centre grows in line with your changing requirements. The C3+, C4+ or C5+ can be systematically upgraded. For example, you can easily integrate an LED curing light or a saline solution pump for surgical procedures. You also have the option of adding our state-ofthe-art patient communication system (either as a stand-alone solution or as an integral part of the practice computer network). This means that you are ideally equipped to communicate with your patients using images as well as words. SIROCAM 3 or SIROCAM C You can...
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Hygienic and easy to clean Efficient hygiene procedures. Hygiene procedures should be as simple and effective as possible. All the outer surfaces are smooth and easy to wipe. Critical components (e.g. the handpiece rack) can be detached for cleaning and/or disin fection purposes. In combination with the built-in disinfection system, the C3+, C4+ and C5+ comply with all relevant national and inter ational n standards. Cuspidor The swivelling cuspidor (optional) is easily accessible for patients. The smooth surfaces have been designed with easy cleaning in mind. Built-in disinfection system...
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Modern design Pleasing to the eye. When you choose Sirona, you can count on receiving state-of-the-art technology and design. The new upholstery and paintwork colours are the ideal complement to your existing practice interior, irrespective of whether you prefer a classically elegant style or vivid modern tones. In this way you can create a feel-good atmosphere for your patients and practice team. Elegant These upholstery colours are the epitome of timeless elegance. Natural These soft, warm shades create an especially relaxing atmosphere. Vital This colour combination projects vitality and...
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Your equipment options. Options for the patient chair C3+ C4+ C5+ C4+ Cart Flat headrest Articulating headrest MultiMotion headrest Motor-driven headrest Standard upholstery Comfort upholstery Thermo upholstery Narrow backrest Wide backrest Swivelling arm rest 4 way foot switch C+ Foot control, cable vision Wireless foot control Valve set for connecting external devices Booster cushion for small patients (Seat cushion C) Children‘s head cushion set for comfortable treatment of children Installation plate to level out uneven floors Option Turn Left-handed version available (only possible for...
Open the catalog to page 10All Dentsply Sirona catalogs and technical brochures
SiroLaser Blue
7 Pages
SiroLaser Advance Plus
7 Pages
T4 instrument series
4 Pages
T1, T2 and T3
13 Pages
Atlantis cement-retained
6 Pages
17 Pages
Sirona Hub
4 Pages
3 Pages
112 Pages
Narrow implants
1 Pages
inCoris CC blocks
1 Pages
Order form inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
CEREC Zirconia Blocs
1 Pages
inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
Zirconia, simply faster
2 Pages
The 2D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
3D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
11 Pages
Brochure INTEGO
13 Pages
The 3D x-ray family
11 Pages
inLab 2014. Product Catalogue
22 Pages
Sirona Connect.
13 Pages
pdf SIROLaser Advance
12 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Sirona CAD/CAM materials
6 Pages
15 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
7 Pages
10 Pages
5 Pages
11 Pages
17 Pages
Treatment unit C8+
6 Pages
8 Pages
5 Pages
3 Pages
12 Pages
SIROLaser Brochure
5 Pages
Perioscan brochure
7 Pages
Inlab System
5 Pages
Sirona General Catalogue
20 Pages
25 Pages
Archived catalogs
Info File Infection Control
21 Pages