Catalog excerpts

CAD/CAM solutions for the dental laboratory inLab. THE ART OF INNOVATIVE DENTAL TECHNOLOGY.
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ENHANCING YOUR CRAFT SKILLS. Sirona’s innovative inLab technology helps you to exploit your craft skills to the full. We offer you a complete system made up of components that are totally convincing, both individually and in combination. You can save time, respond more flexibly, and safeguard the future of your laboratory. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. E g the D TIM y usin RECOR tomaticall canner G IN r au s SCANNIN nually o al inEos X5 ma nction ither ltifu e u new, m ING* the aid of GRIND ith G AND material w nit MILLIN pes of illing u y of all t ab MC XL m L the in GRAM G PROI crowns Z...
Open the catalog to page 2
Tasks CAN BE DIFFICULT. BUT NOT DENTAL SYSTEMS. All the products in the inLab portfolio are designed to fulfill the wide-ranging requirements of your dental laboratory. Powerful high-tech tools and unique options for independent in-house CAD/ CAM production deliver a rapid return on investment, as well as high added value. inEos X5: Fully automated and manual scanning, plus further scanning highlights (further information: see p. 8). inLab SW 4.2: Smart design with virtual articu lation, smile design – and much more besides (see p. 10). inLab MC XL: The highly productive milling machine...
Open the catalog to page 3
EVERYTHING FOR A PERFECT LABORATORY WORKFLOW. SEAMLESS COSTEFFECTIVE inLab connects up digital technologies in order to create integrated solutions. You benefit from a consistently intuitive operating concept, optimized workflows and a modular structure with open interfaces. You can deploy the entire inLab digital process – or else individual components for spe cific production steps. If desired, you can combine inLab with existing third-party systems. DIGITIZE SCANNING WITH the inEos X5 Fully automated or manual scanning with rapid and innovative 5-axis technology and outstanding...
Open the catalog to page 4
The new scanning technology offers outstanding precision and depth of field. Together with the autofocus function this creates the perfect platform for your designs and production. AUTOMATED The unique operating concept has been programmed to ensure maximum efficiency for all scanning tasks and is augmented by the manual scanning option. STL OPEN inEos: Export of scanning data in the open STL format for processing on thirdparty CAD/CAM systems FAST The innovative 5-axis technology with a robot arm and the exact definition of the scanning area ensures quick, automatic positioning. This...
Open the catalog to page 5
inLab SW 4.2: COST-EFFECTIVE, CUSTOMIZED AND USER-FRIENDLY. The heart of the inLab system: with the new inLab SW 4.2 you can manage your entire digital fabrication process and reap many benefits. The inLab software supports you during all your work steps – from scanning and importing digital impressions to the design and milling of restorations and models. Thanks to the virtual articulation function and the initial biogeneric suggestion, you are in a position to create fully anatomical restorations easily and reliably. Custom abutments, bars and attachments can be designed just as rapidly...
Open the catalog to page 6
inLab SW 4.2: IDEALLY EQUIPPED FOR ALL CASES. The more complex your assignment, the clearer the strengths of the inLab software. Especially in non-conventional applications (e.g. esthetically demanding anterior restorations, difficult primary structures and multilayer restorations), you can rely on the expert knowledge embedded in inLab SW 4.2 and profit from its intuitive, cost-effective design sequences. Uncomplicated handling of complex structures Demanding primary structures such as telescopes, bars (all shapes) and attachments are no problem thanks to the inLab SW 4.2. Towards the...
Open the catalog to page 7
Esthetic implant prostheses in top laboratory quality. COST-EFFECTIVE SURGICAL GUIDES FOR INTEGRATED IMPLANTOLOGY Using the CEREC Guide you can create precise surgical guides in your laboratory. The process is fast and comparatively in expensive. The individually manufactured surgical guide is part of the integrated implant planning and surgical implementation using Sirona’s CAD/CAM and 3D x-ray. It is based on precise planning data. CUSTOM ABUTMENTS The proven CAD/CAM production of zirconium oxide abutments on the inLab system provides the basis for meeting the demand for tooth-colored,...
Open the catalog to page 8
inLab MC XL: the Just-in-Time Multitalent. Large range of materials Processing of zirconium oxide, resin, silicate ceramics and NP-metal The inLab MC XL milling and grinding unit opens up the widest possible range of production options for your dental laboratory. You profit from high speed and precision. You can switch from grinding to milling in just a few simple steps. And thanks to the large milling volume and broad spectrum of applications, you will reap substantial economic benefits. G* MILLIN ions CISION resin ALUE of applicat PRE and DV m HIGHe ADDE u HIGH oad spectr NEw: onium oxid...
Open the catalog to page 9
The WORLD’s Fastest sintering furnace: inFire HTC speed. 10 min. You can sinter inCoris TZI and inCoris ZI crowns in record time In the Superspeed mode the inFire HTC speed furnace sinters inCoris TZI and inCoris ZI restorations in record time. Its large capacity will boost your productivity. Ceramics and NPM materials can be processed in a single chamber. 60 min. You can sinter inCoris TZI and inCoris ZI bridges in only 60 minutes. Time and cost benefits ■■ Only 60 minutes for the speed sintering of zirconium oxide restorations Timer function for “overnight sintering“ Simultaneous...
Open the catalog to page 10
BROAD RANGE OF INDICATIONS. BROAD RANGE OF MATERIALS. The right solution for every indication. The intelligent software and sophisticated hardware leave nothing to be desired – in terms of performance, cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction. infor ther n be Fur on ca ’s mati in Sirona d foun terials ! ma hure broc The inLab materials are tailored to the innovative design software and Sirona’s precise milling/grinding units. A Abutments (4) Custom hybrid abutments (titanium base + ¢¢ mesostructure) for the most popular implant systems (inLab MC XL, infiniDent) Custom one-piece...
Open the catalog to page 11All Dentsply Sirona catalogs and technical brochures
SiroLaser Blue
7 Pages
SiroLaser Advance Plus
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T4 instrument series
4 Pages
T1, T2 and T3
13 Pages
Atlantis cement-retained
6 Pages
17 Pages
Sirona Hub
4 Pages
3 Pages
112 Pages
Narrow implants
1 Pages
inCoris CC blocks
1 Pages
Order form inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
CEREC Zirconia Blocs
1 Pages
inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
Zirconia, simply faster
2 Pages
The 2D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
3D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
11 Pages
Brochure INTEGO
13 Pages
The 3D x-ray family
11 Pages
inLab 2014. Product Catalogue
22 Pages
Sirona Connect.
13 Pages
pdf SIROLaser Advance
12 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Sirona CAD/CAM materials
6 Pages
15 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
7 Pages
10 Pages
5 Pages
11 Pages
17 Pages
Treatment unit C8+
6 Pages
8 Pages
5 Pages
3 Pages
12 Pages
SIROLaser Brochure
5 Pages
Perioscan brochure
7 Pages
Inlab System
5 Pages
Sirona General Catalogue
20 Pages
25 Pages
Archived catalogs
Info File Infection Control
21 Pages